Can chooses wearing mask on or off? | ミセス・スネイル



I had read the article of JAPAN TODAY about retail worker is become almost banning of wearing mask.

This is poor problem I think.

Because, now the world have many infectious diseases, so it can't know that we may get terrible virus via saliva etc .


Specialist say, air infection can't defence to intrude your into body despite wearing mask, but saliva and runny nose etc liquid's intrude can defence via wearing mask.

Many retail shop included department store etc must to welcome many different people from all over the world.

Retail and department store's workers can't choose customer.

There may have the patient of flu or other virus disease's patient in many customer, so the retail and department store's workers is putting dangerous situation every day.


And unfortunately, flu and infectious diseases patients doesn't wearing mask for some reason.

They have not manner? or on purpose?

Even though it is any reason, they keep continuing to give virus against healthy people.


According to Japan Today's article "Policies differ concerning retail staff wearing face masks to ward off colds", Aeon and some department store is banning wearing mask of workers.

As that best reason, the worker who wearing mask give uncomfortable image against customer.

Customer can't see worker's face, and customer is difficut hear worker's voice, and the workers who wearing mask give image of terrible illnes etc.


How's see?

Do you think that Aeon and some department store's opinion is right?

I think that retail's opinion is wrong.

Very precious thing is worker's health than worker's face.

In the first place, at this era, I think that the workers appearance is not so important.

As rather scary thing, if the worker is not wearing mask despite flu or cold for keep company rules, the virus will many spread.


I'm writing about my previous work was medical staff, thus I experienced that the patients must wearing mask for defence spread of virus.

And all medical staff was forced wearing mask for protect myself.

I don't think that hospital is the place of special, except infectious ward.

I know that there is the patient who go to shopping etc after they had diagnosed flu.

I met sometimes them at supermarket, and I said to them "you must wearing mask." 


Do you understand?

The people like this is many there in all over place.


I wish that Aeon etc retail workers can get chooses wearing mask on or off.