
イギリスのオスカー女優 ジュディ・デンチさんと人気ドラマのキャストが犬猫肉の取引き撲滅を訴える



タイ、 ソイドッグファンデーションより、緊急のChange.org 署名のお願いです。








アップ こちらをクリックし、 英国内外からの支援の署名を是非送ってください!




* 以下は、ソイドッグ・ファンデーションよりのはじめの記事部分です。


を終わらせるための口火(Early Day Motion、EDM159 ) を切りました。


これに続く今年一月28日(水) 、前例のないほどの数の英国議会の議員が









Support The UK Parliament's Call To End The Dog Meat Trade!

Dear Friennds
Last Summer UK MP, John McDonnell, initiated an Early Day Motion (EDM 159) calling for an end to the dog meat trade in Asia. To date this has received 138 signatories, a record number.

Following on from this, on Wednesday 28th January an unprecedented number of UK MPs attended a briefing on the dog meat trade at the House of Commons. The MPs were asked to sign the following declaration:

We, the undersigned MP’s, hereby call upon the governments of Cambodia, China, Laos PDR, Indonesia, South Korea, The Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam to take action to end the production, trade in, and slaughtering of dogs and cats for the purposes of meat and by-products.

In recognition of:

  • The mounting body of evidence linking the consumption of such meat to human health and disease transmission notably cholera and trichinellosis.

  • The universal acceptance that the uncontrolled movement of unvaccinated dogs is the main cause for the spread of rabies.

  • The increasing number of pet animals brutally stolen for the purpose of meat and skin production.

  • The significant impact the production of, trade in, slaughtering and consumption of dog and cat meat poses to animal welfare.

  • The increasing awareness of the suffering of fur bearing animals, including dogs and cats, whose skin and fur products are widely exported and sold.

There can be no excuse for the intolerable suffering and cruelty these animals are facing as a result of this trade. The time has come to end it.

As a result of the support shown the dog meat trade will shortly be the subject of a full debate in the House of Commons and your urgent action is required.

The debate will cover all aspects of the dog meat trade and will request the UK Government to use its influence in asking the Governments of countries where the trade still exists to end it. We are very grateful to John McDonnell MP for championing this.

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Please encourage British MPs to speak out against the dog meat trade. Take a moment of your time to view this short video of the briefing, sign the petition and if you are a UK citizen you will find information on how you can contact your MP and make your voice heard.

Please take action now . Without you the dogs and cats have no one to turn to.

John Dalley
Soi Dog Foundation

PS: The dog meat trade will shortly be the subject of a full debate in the House of Commons and your urgent action is vital. Please take action now by clicking here .

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