From CNN news

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CNN Senior International Correspondent Nic Robertson discovered a dire situation Tuesday at the Tripoli Zoo, struggling to function as a nationwide conflict rages around it.

Robertson found the gates locked and was told the zoo was under renovation -- that there were no animals there.

But a big cat's roar told a different story, and Robertson followed the sound -- underscored by the echo of gunfire in the distance -- to find enclosures holding a tiger, lions, giant tortoises, hippos, hyenas, bears, monkeys, deer, emus and more.

All the animals appeared undernourished and struggling as they waited for food and for water where there was little or none to be found.

A tiger, loose skin hanging on its frame, prowled its enclosure when it sensed visitors.

"Just looking at him, you can see how thin he is in the way he is walking -- those back thighs, they're so skinny," Robertson said of the big cat.

"There's no one here to tell us how often they're being fed or how much they're getting fed," Robertson said as he walked the deserted grounds. "We don't even know if there's a vet here to take care of them."

During the CNN visit, the zookeeper arrived and explained that for seven days amid the turmoil of conflict in Tripoli, the animals got nothing. Now 10 of the 200-person staff have returned and are trying to feed all the animals.

The big cats get only half of what they need. And all the animals languish with one essential in very short supply.

"Water is these animals' most pressing need," Robertson said. "And it seems without help in these sweltering temperatures, all the animals here will continue to suffer."

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Animals are always the victims of our selfishness...

We bring them to our community, locked up in a cage, and kill them in case of emergency...

There is a famous story about Baghdad Zoo.

After Baghdad fell, most of the animals were killed for food, rest of them were in hunger and thirst.

Lawrence Anthony, a nature conservationist tried hard to recover the zoo cooperate with staffs of Baghdad and U.S. forces.

A bengal tiger who was shot by an Amercan soldier became a play and was performed in Broadway .

Again, many animals in Toripoli need help.

CNNニュース より

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トリポリ(CNN) リビア反体制派がカダフィ派との戦闘の末に掌握した首都トリポリで、動物園の動物たちが十分な餌や水を与えられないまま窮状に陥っている。






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Momoko-Hime's Blog-Baghdad zoo


