
2021年6月12日、Arthur Firstenbergによって書かれた。カテゴリー:時事ニュース

最近、フロリダのある女性から、過去十数年間苦しんできた病気について書かれた手紙を受け取った: 橋本病、肝機能障害、副鼻腔炎、"爆発する頭"、完全な嗅覚障害、部分的な味覚障害である。「今になって、放射線が私の病気にどれだけ関わっているのだろうと思う」と彼女は書いている。

彼女は自分の住む街のStop 5Gグループに参加している。自分の身を守るために、彼女は携帯電話を使わないときは「ファラデーポーチ」に入れ、夜は無線LANの電源を切っている。彼女はまた、放射線から身を守るために売られているさまざまな機器、ペンダント、チップの効果についても尋ねた。私は彼女に次のように答えた:






放射線による害はパワーレベルにはまったく依存しないからだ。軸索や樹状突起が複雑な情報を脳に送ろうとし、心臓のペースメーカーが心房や心室と通信しようとする一方で、私たちはますます多くの情報を、より高速で、機器に要求する狂った時代に生きているのだ、 ミトコンドリアの酸化的リン酸化酵素は、私たちが呼吸する酸素に電子を送り込み、生命のエネルギーを生み出そうとしている。






携帯電話が使えるにもかかわらず、私が生きていられる数少ない場所のひとつだからここにいる。いい牢獄だが、それでも牢獄であり、2007年以来、数時間以上出たことのない牢獄だ。携帯電話を所有し、"緊急時に携帯電話が使える "と期待している人たちによって、私はこの牢獄に閉じ込められているのだ。


2021年2月26日、Children's Health Defenseは連邦通信委員会をコロンビア特別区巡回控訴裁判所に提訴した。CHDは、FCCが前日に出した新たな違法、違憲の命令を覆すよう裁判所に求めている。

FCCはOTARD(Over-the-Air Reception Devices)に関する規則を改定した。新しい規則が受信装置と何の関係もないことを除けば。その代わり、私有地内のブロードバンドアンテナやタワーを "受信装置 "と呼ぶことで、すべてのゾーニング規制を撤廃した。ワイヤレス・インターネット・プロバイダーは、アメリカ中どこの誰の土地でも好きな場所に基地局を建設することができるようになり、タワーやアンテナのネットワークを無制限に拡大しても、市、郡、州による規制を受けなくなった。

この訴訟はD.C.C.CircuitのCase No.21-1075で、CHDの準備書面の提出期限は2021年6月23日である。CHDの訴えを支持するアミカスキュリエ(法廷の友)準備書面は現在準備中で、Stop 5G団体、その他の反ワイヤレス団体、高周波放射で負傷した人々を代表する団体、その他の米国内の環境団体を代表する予定である。アミカスブリーフは2021年6月30日が期限となっている。アミカスブリーフへの参加を希望する米国の団体は、ペトラ・ブロッケン(dpetrab@yahoo.com)までご連絡ください。

2018年、州や地方自治体が公道上のセルタワーを規制することを禁止する新たな命令をめぐり、数百の市や郡が共同でFCCを提訴し、2020年8月12日、第9巡回区連邦控訴裁判所はFCCに不利な判決を下した。2020年10月22日、第9巡回区は彼らの再審理請求を却下した。2021年3月22日、彼らは合衆国最高裁判所に上訴した。この訴訟はポートランド市対連邦通信委員会(Docket No.20-1354)である。

これらの市や郡が異議を申し立てているFCC命令と、Children's Health Defenseが異議を申し立てているOTARD命令を合わせると、米国の地方自治体は、もはや公共の土地でも私有地でもなく、どこでもほとんどのタワーやアンテナを規制できないことになる。

2018年、Santa Fe Alliance for Public Health and Safetyは、サンタフェ市、ニューメキシコ州司法長官、アメリカ合衆国を訴えた。

市民の健康、安全、福祉を守れるようにと訴えているポートランド対FCCの申立人とは異なり、サンタフェ市とニューメキシコ州はその権利を自主的に放棄している。サンタフェ・アライアンスは、これらのサンタフェ市と州の法律、および1996年電気通信法第704条の合憲性に異議を唱えている。この法律は、地方自治体が健康を理由にセルタワーを規制することを禁止し、高周波放射によって傷ついた人々の救済を否定するものである。 2021年3月30日、第9巡回区連邦控訴裁判所はサンタフェ・アライアンスに不利な判決を下し、2021年5月27日、同裁判所は我々の再審理請求を却下した。同裁判所は2021年5月27日、私たちの再審理請求を却下しました。私たちは現在、連邦最高裁判所に上訴する準備を進めています。2021年8月25日までに最高裁に上告状を提出しなければなりません。



ヘッダー画像 テレグラフ紙

Cell Phone Apocalypse

Written by Arthur Firstenberg on June 12, 2021. Posted in Current News

I recently received a letter in the mailfrom a woman in Florida describing the illnesses from which she has suffered for the past dozen years: Hashimoto’s disease, liver dysfunction, sinus infection, “exploding head,” complete loss of smell and partial loss of taste. “After all this time,” she wrote, “I now wonder how much radiation has been a part of my illness.”

She has joined a Stop 5G group in her city. To protect herself she keeps her cell phone in a “faraday pouch” when she is not using it, and she turns off her wifi at night. She also asked about the effectiveness of the various devices, pendants and chips being sold to protect oneself from the radiation. I replied to her as follows:

“You are right to wonder how much radiation is a part of your illness. First and foremost, you should not ever use a cell phone or WiFi. Getting rid of all wireless on your person and in your home will make a tremendous difference in your health. A faraday pouch does not block all the radiation. A cell phone radiates even when it is off, as long as the battery is in it. And it takes your body several days to recover, even from a single two-minute phone call. No products will protect you from the radiation — if they do anything at all, those products are dangerous.”

She was shocked, because that is not what everyone else has been telling her. “I have found that most people do not believe cell phones are the issue, just the towers. I must get a landline and work from there,” she wrote back.

More Radiation Than Cell Towers

It is beyond me how anyone can expect their cell phone to work if all the towers are not there, but that is not the worst error people are making. Somehow, they have convinced themselves that most of their exposure to radiation is coming from the towers and not their phones and computers. Not only is the opposite true, but it is all one system. The more radiation the towers put out, the less radiation your phone has to emit to connect with them. The less radiation the towers put out, the more radiation your phone emits. You can’t have one without the other.

A cell phone operating at 2 watts (maximum power) held six inches from your head exposes your brain to more radiation than if there were a 200-watt tower ten feet away, or a 2000-watt tower thirty feet away. If you live in a city with a lot of towers, your phone may only emit a milliwatt of power (0.001 watts). But then you’re getting the same radiation from the towers that you would have gotten from your phone if all the towers were not there. It’s all one system.

And if you put the 1-milliwatt phone up against your head, you are still exposing your brain to more radiation than from all the towers in the city.
And even when you are only texting, and the phone is only emitting a milliwatt of power, as long as you are touching the phone, the frequencies are being conducted through your hands into your heart, lungs and brain, and your whole body is radiating them into your environment and exposing everyone to them that you pass on the street.
And this is not a good thing, because the harm done by the radiation does not depend on power level at all. It depends on the informational content, and we are living in a crazy age where we demand more and more information from our devices, at greater and greater speeds, while our axons and dendrites are trying to send complex information to our brains, and our hearts’ pacemakers are trying to communicate with our hearts’ atria and ventricles, and the oxidative phosphorylation enzymes in our mitochondria are trying to send electrons to the oxygen we breathe in order to generate the energy for life, and our cells are trying to whisper to other cells with instructions about where to go, and what kinds of cells to become, to choreograph our growth, and to orchestrate the healing process when we are injured or ill.
And even one milliwatt is millions of times louder than the whispered signals between our cells, which can no longer follow the instructions that they can no longer hear.
And the result is diabetes, and heart disease, and cancer, and neurological disease, at rates that just 25 years ago, at the beginning of the wireless revolution, would have seemed unimaginable, but that are now accepted as normal, because the population is not connecting them, is not willing to connect them, to their cause.

Living in a Prison Created by Phones

I communicate with hundreds of thousands of people, a large number of whom are environmental refugees. Year after year they are moving further and further away from civilization, desperately trying to live where cell phones do not work in order to stay alive, while the rest of the population has grown more and more dependent on their phones, counting on them to work wherever they go.

Even if others know on some level that there is a radiation problem, they don’t really know. “I’ve got to have a phone in case of emergency” means their phones have to be able to work everywhere they go, which means there have to be cell towers everywhere they go, especially in the middle of nowhere, and it means they are condemning all those refugees to torture and death.

Never mind all the insects, birds and animals that can never be free of radiation, anywhere on earth, no matter where they fly to or run to to stay alive. If a cell phone will work where they fly, they are being irradiated.

When the wireless revolution came to the United States in 1996, I stayed alive only by leaving my home and my city and my family and friends and camping out in places where cell phones did not work for the next eight years. I have stayed alive since 2004 by living in a location where the conductivity of the earth is extremely high, and I cannot leave. Santa Fe is a nice place, but I am not here by choice. I am here because there is no other place left to even camp.

I am here because it is one of the few places on earth that I can stay alive in spite of the fact that a cell phone will work here. It is a nice prison, but a prison nonetheless, a prison from which I have not left for more than a few hours since 2007. I am kept in this prison by everyone who owns a cell phone and expects to be able to use it “in case of emergency.”

I, and the refugees in Green Bank, West Virginia, and the refugees in the French Alps, and the refugees sleeping in their vehicles in the fewer and fewer places that still exist where cell phones do not work, are not different from everyone else, except that at some point in our lives our eyes were opened to what was making us so sick, and that we learned to recognize the effects of radiation and to avoid radiation in order to survive, instead of dying of heart attacks, strokes, and neurological disease. We learned to feel the radiation, which everyone else could also learn to feel if they would only stop using their devices that are numbing them to the pain, stop using them long enough to discover what a horror they are, and what a tremendous difference it makes to their physical and psychological health to get rid of them, permanently, from their person and their home. What a tremendous difference for themselves, for the refugees, for the birds, for the whales. For the honey bee, waiting, imploring, at the top of this newsletter.

On February 26, 2021, Children’s Health Defense sued the Federal Communications Commission in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. CHD is asking the court to overturn a new, illegal, unconstitutional order that the FCC had issued the previous day.

The FCC had revised its rules for Over-the-Air Reception Devices (OTARD), which sounds innocuous enough. Except that the new rules have nothing to do with reception devices. Instead they have repealed all zoning regulations for broadband antennas and towers on private property by calling them “reception devices.” Wireless internet providers can now build base stations wherever they please on anyone’s property anywhere in the United States and are no longer subject to any restrictions by cities, counties or states in the unlimited expansion of their networks of towers and antennas.

The lawsuit is Case No. 21-1075 in the D.C. Circuit, and CHD’s opening brief is due on June 23, 2021. An amicus curiae (friend of the court) brief in support of CHD’s lawsuit is being prepared now that will represent Stop 5G groups, other anti-wireless organizations, organizations representing people injured by radio-frequency radiation, and other environmental organizations in the United States. The amicus brief is due on June 30, 2021. If your U.S. organization would like to join the amicus brief, please contact Petra Brokken at dpetrab@yahoo.com.

In 2018, hundreds of cities and counties joined together to sue the FCC over new orders prohibiting states and local governments from regulating cell towers in the public rights-of-way, and on August 12, 2020 the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled against them. On October 22, 2020 the Ninth Circuit denied their petition for rehearing. On March 22, 2021 they appealed their case to the United States Supreme Court. The case is City of Portland v. Federal Communications Commission, Docket No. 20-1354.

Together, the FCC orders under challenge by those cities and counties, and the OTARD order under challenge by Children’s Health Defense, mean that local governments in the United States can no longer regulate most towers or antennas anywhere — not on public land and not on private land.

In 2018, the Santa Fe Alliance for Public Health and Safety sued the City of Santa Fe, the Attorney General of New Mexico, and the United States of America.

Unlike the petitioners in Portland v. FCC, which are suing to be able to protect the health, safety and welfare of their citizens, the City of Santa Fe and State of New Mexico have voluntarily relinquished that right. Both the City and the State have passed laws repealing all zoning regulations for antennas and towers in the public rights-of-way.The Santa Fe Alliance is challenging the constitutionality of those City and State laws, and of Section 704 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which prohibits local governments from regulating cell towers on the basis of health and denies people injured by radio-frequency radiation of any remedy.On March 30, 2021, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled against the Santa Fe Alliance, and on May 27, 2021, the Court denied our petition for rehearing. We are preparing to appeal our case to the United States Supreme Court. Our petition for certiorari must be filed in the Supreme Court by August 25, 2021.

Our lawsuit goes to the heart of the problem, which is the unconstitutional law passed by Congress in 1996 that has enabled a thickening fog of radiation to envelop this nation ever since.

Our excellent attorney, Theresa Kraft, who argued our case in the Tenth Circuit, has been sick and in and out of the hospital for two months following her second COVID vaccination, and we must find another attorney to replace her. We are currently contacting law firms. Please contact me immediately if you are an attorney who can help, or if you have a referral to one.

Header image: The Telegraph