




>> その一方で、自宅にいるときはケーブルだけでインターネットに接続する方法を見つけた。
>> そのため、携帯電話をフライトモードにしていても、ほとんどのことが可能です:
>> https://www.amazon.nl/Ethernet-adapter-BENFEI-Thunderbolt-compatibel-Aluminium/dp/B07XTGKP5M/ (または類似のもので、携帯電話と互換性のあるプラグを持っているもの)。

>> =============================
>> 何が原因なのか、どのように起こるのか、確かなことはわかりません。ただ、注射を受けた人たち(同じブランドでも様々な種類があった)は、その後、異なるレベルの毒素(グラフェンや他の何か)を得たということだけは知っています。その結果、電磁波の吸収率が高くなる可能性がある。また、60GHz付近では酸素分子が変化するという記事も見たことがある。これ以上わからないのが残念です。私は通信のための解決策を探そうとしていて、すでにいくつかのアイデアを持っている。しかし、まだ時間が必要だ。また、半径数Km(50Km~100Km)の範囲に、より良いエネルギー・フィールドを作ることができるようです。このより良いエネルギーが、他の人たちの心身のバランスを整え、マインド・コントロール・プログラムと戦う助けになることを期待しています。雨の量が劇的に増えたという研究もあります。また、私自身も地元での改善を観察した。だから私は、できる限り問題から解決策へと、ゆっくりと注意を移している。すでにPDFを送ったが、再送することもできるし、詳細を共有することもできる。今のところ、これ以上の方法はないと思っている。すべてを証明する研究はたくさんあるので、他の方法が必要だと思う。
>> よろしくお願いします。
>> ジョゼ
 私たちを支配しようとする人たちは、人々が静止していることを好むということもあり得るからだ。だから、"静止 "がどのようなものであるべきかという疑問があるんだ。)






Good morning.

I see email “mm82887” San sparked a good conversation with clever and informed people. Learning a lot from you!

But also interesting question from Victor, defining “still” could be interesting .  As it could be also the case that  who ever wants to dominate us prefer people to be still. So the doubt of how “still” should look like :)

I also believe we going thru changes, and maybe good not to allow our egos to “interfere"  with the evolution of higher consciousness or God(s),  in the sense of not “fighting with our angered ego”  

But i suppose in the end we still want some good outcome from this evolution, and not worse situation, so we maybe should “allow” it to run “loose”, and so maybe still from Nicholas would mean allowing the higher vibes to come in and influence positively. But definitely not “do nothing” and I know Nicholas has been doing tremendous work in UK to bring the truth to people and influence positively our reality.

I have been lot more interested recently in the spiritual aspects and sacred geometry myself (as wrote before), now maybe I should share the why to you.

I watched long time ago a few videos from Harald Kautz (German scientists - he has many videos in German)  and he made think a lot about a spiritual fight going on, with maybe more power than we would like to acknowledge and more important than the material fight. I also struggled a lot with attacks of back magic from people around (not wanting us to do this work, but also from Astral plane, which lately made me think is related to the Allien technology with active controls that Harald mentions.

PS: Not sure if the gives the explanation in this video below , I could not remember the specific video, but he has lot interesting videos which I recommend you.

After this I started paying lot more attention to my thoughts and how we can fight spiritually. To me seems now also very important, if not the most important.

Harald Kautz Vella





yes so it is.

Dr. Lanka is working since 30 years material view only and they never did control studies with not infected tissues which shows that also in these tissues there a things exactely like those they name viruses.

What they name virus is only
cell waste that they have produced themselves during isolation. ok, that's a rough summary, but what the confused virologists are doing is far from scientific.
Now Lanka has managed to convince laboratories to carry out these control studies worldwide, which will lead to the death of virology.

Must say I never ever thought that science could be so wrong for such a long time.


件名 Re: スマートフォンの悪魔!








Subject: Re: smart-phone demons!

danke Stefan and Toshiro-san, Jose

The problem is, Western thinking doesn't know the word consideration. Greed for power and money dominate, those in government are the ones who are most easily corrupted, manipulated and abused.

I agree, but more than that...as Toshiro-san would also agree...perhaps by all the cruelties of humans towards each others..then suddenly God send His wrath either via meteor (sometimes dubbed as NEO), or even the rise of conscious AI will lead to superhumans then transhumans..

I do not know...may be this is just a phase to totalitarianism (Hannah Arendt)

I felt rather depressed this evening....seems like we can do nothing...
only God Himself can save us from our own stupidity...especially from a crazy leader pushing large red button....

God bless you all


*independent researcher




I personally believe that technical solutions for environmentally and health-friendly mass communication are possible.

The problem is, Western thinking doesn't know the word consideration. Greed for power and money dominate, those in government are the ones who are most easily corrupted, manipulated and abused.

This forces us to find protective solutions despite difficult conditions. Official science doesn't help us, it has degenerated into a prostitute. And above all, the fundamentals of natural science have been frozen and outdated for over a hundred years.


Am 16.03.24 um 12:15 schrieb nicholasmartin:
> こんにちは、ビクター。
> おそらく春は、人間の意識においても真実の輝かしい開花に向かっているのでしょう。
> 私が知っているわけではありませんが
> 多くの花壇に植えられた真実の種が芽吹き始めている。
> 土の中の寄生虫が花の咲く種を取り除こうとするので、時には少し揺れ動くかもしれない。
> 世界中の道路やパティオの隙間から種が育ち、押し寄せてくることを想像してみてほしい。
> どんな困難にも負けず、不妊の場所でも成長する。
> 驚くべきことだ。
> 止められないようだ
> よろしくお願いします。
> 楽観主義者ニコラス
I share this view

Am 16.03.24 um 12:15 schrieb nicholasmartin:
> Hello Victor for some reason I am optimistic
> Perhaps spring is on its way to a glorious flowering of truth in human consciousness too perhaps
> Not that I know
> But seeds of truth planted in so many flowerbeds are beginning to bud
> Maybe a bit rocky at times as parasites in the soil try to remove those flowering seeds but universal forces are pretty remarkable
> Just think of those seeds growing up and pushing through cracks in roads and patios all over the globe
> On they grow against all odds and in the most infertile places
> Remarkable
> On it goes unstoppable it seems
> Yours with kind regards
> Nicholas the Optimist


17.03.24 um 12:19 schrieb nicholasmartin:
> 少なくとも私には、なぜ考えないことが知的だと思えるのか。
> 人類は何千年もの間、考え続けてきたが、なぜ生命が存在し、なぜ生まれ、なぜ死ぬのかを知らない。
> すべての知識は、欲望と同じように、決して完成には至らないが、それ以上のことを知るだけである。
> そのことを知ることで、思考は心の主人ではなく、召使いとして正しい居場所を見つけることができる。
> 思考にはもちろん役割がある。
> しかし、神聖なものに近づくことはできない。
> なぜなら思考は時間の機能であるが、神聖なものには時間がないからだ。始まりも終わりもない。それは思考の理解をはるかに超えている。
> それを見ることは、静かな心を意味する。
> それを見るということは、真理の命令として、心を沈黙させ、思考を空にする必要があるということである。真理の事実として。
> 思考はその空虚さをもたらすことはできない。
> しかし、このすべてを見るということは、努力することなく、選択することなく、自然に心が静まることを意味する。
> 核心に至るまで、すべては見ることにある。

Am 17.03.24 um 12:19 schrieb nicholasmartin:
> The other thing Victor why it seems,at least to me,is that it is intelligent not to think is that as Socrates said with all the knowledge in the world we actually know nothing
> Humankind has been thinking for millenia but we don't know why there is life and why we are born and why we die
> All knowledge just like desire leads never to completion but just the more
> The seeing of that allows thought to find its right place as a servant and not a master of the mind
> Thought has its role of course
> But it can never approach the sacred
> That much is obvious because thought is a function of time but the sacred is of no time. No beginning and no ending. That is far beyond the grasp of thought.
> The seeing of that means a quiet mind
> The seeing of that means the necessity of mind silent and empty of thought as the imperative of truth. As the fact of truth.
> Thought cannot bring about that  emptiness
> But a seeing of all of this means a mind quiet naturally without effort and without a choice
> It is all in the seeing right through to the core


Am 17.03.24 um 12:28 schrieb nicholasmartin:
> こんにちは、ホセ。
> 私の見解は、いつものように、私は知っているとは主張しませんが、賢明な心は思考だけに依存しないということです。
> 賢明な心は、沈黙と思考の不在のエネルギーによって神聖なものとつながるのです。
> そのエネルギーは思考によってアクセスすることはできないが、虚無、事実としての聖なるもの、そして思考の不在のエネルギーとつながった沈黙の心は、思考に情報を与えるだけでなく、思考が心を支配しないように、思考を正しい機能的な場所にとどめることができる。
> 神聖なものとのつながりは、定義上、時を超越したものである。
> 神聖で本質的に時間のない心は、思考を道具として使うかもしれない。
> 思考という道具は時間の次元でしか使えない。
> 私が知っている限りでは
> しかし私には、沈黙が神聖なものへの心の扉を開いているように感じられる。

> これからもよろしく
> N
Silence contains EVERYTHING
DC voltage contains all frequencies of the Fourier spectrum, mathematics doesn't lie

Am 17.03.24 um 12:28 schrieb nicholasmartin:
> Hello Jose
> My view and as always I don't claim to know is that wise mind does not rely in thought alone
> So to speak wise mind connects with the sacred though silence and the energy of the absence of thought
> That energy cannot be accessed by thought but a silent mind connected with emptiness, the sacred as fact, and the energy of the absence of thought can not only inform thought but can also keep thought in its right functional place so it does not take over mind
> The connection with the sacred is about by definition timelessness which is why thought can never get at the sacred
> A mind sacred and in essence free of time might use thought as a tool and then the tool is just a tool.
> That tool of thought can only operate in the dimension of time
> Not that I know
> But for me I do sense silence is the open door in the mind to the sacred
> Best wishes as always
> N

"考えるより考えない方がずっと知的である "とよく言われる!

17.03.24 um 10:10 schrieb nicholasmartin:
> こんにちは、ビクター
> 呉越同舟というか、老子が言うところの「やらない」という行動です。
> それは人間にとってとても難しいことだ。
> 彼らが言っているのは、ローザンヌ医科大学のブルー・ブレイン・プロジェクトが発見したことだ。
> 脳細胞の神経回路を通る支配的な光による思考の流れが静かなとき、アンテナとしての脳細胞のDNAは、自然に他の次元の意識を拾い上げるということだ。
> そうでなければ、思考が心の唯一の植民地である場合には遮断されてしまう。
> 人間の心には、思考を超えた知性が存在する。
> 考えるよりも考えない方がはるかに知的である。
> しかし、思考を空っぽにした心を持つことは、私たちにとって非常に難しいことである。
> 私の考えでは、それこそが永劫哲学における「静寂」である。
> 観察者が観察されるとき、他の次元の知覚は関連した意識である。
> この危機(中国語ではチャンスと同じ意味)において、私たちは新たなエネルギーと意識に直面している。
> 新しい天と新しい地
> おそらく
> よろしく
> N

often "That it is much more intelligent not to think than to" !

Am 17.03.24 um 10:10 schrieb nicholasmartin:
> Hello Victor
> Wu Wei or as Lao Tse put it the action of not doing
> That is very hard for we humans
> What they are referring to in my view is what the Blue Brain project of Lausanne medical school is discovering
> That when the dominant photonic flow of thought through the neural circuits of the brain cells is quiet then the dna in those brain cells  as an antenna picks up naturally other dimensions of consciousness
> Otherwise blocked out if thought is the sole coloniser of mind
> That there is an intelligence beyond thought available to human mind
> That it is much more intelligent not to think than to
> But to have a mind emptied out of thought is very difficult for us
> That is in my view the stillness being referred to in the perennial philosophy
> As the observer is observed perception of other dimensions is a relevant consciousness
> So we in this crisis, which in Chinese is the same word for opportunity, are facing a new energy and a new consciousness
> A new heaven and a new earth
> Perhaps
> Best wishes
> N



2024年3月16日土曜日11時51分、armann <spaarm@freenet.de> が書きました:
> 私は個人的に、環境と健康に優しいマスコミュニケーションのための技術的な解決策は可能だと信じています。
> 問題なのは、西洋的思考が配慮という言葉を知らないことです。権力と金銭への貪欲さが支配的で、政府関係者は最も簡単に腐敗し、操られ、悪用される人たちです。
> そのため、私たちは困難な状況にもかかわらず、保護的な解決策を見つけざるを得ない。公的な科学は私たちを助けてはくれない。そして何よりも、自然科学の基本は100年以上も凍結され、時代遅れになっている。
> Am 15.03.24 um 23:14 schrieb Jose Cardoso:
>> こんにちは。
>> 私はまだ携帯電話を使っています。しかし、私はケーブルを介してインターネットに接続しています。私はまた、遮蔽服を使用しています。
>> もしご興味があれば、以下の詳細をご覧ください。
>> =============================
>> 5Gの配備後、私は非常に具合が悪くなり、携帯電話の電源を入れる前に防護服を使用しなければならなくなりました。今でも旅行中はそうしています。

>> その一方で、自宅にいるときはケーブルだけでインターネットに接続する方法を見つけた。
>> そのため、携帯電話をフライトモードにしていても、ほとんどのことが可能です:
>> https://www.amazon.nl/Ethernet-adapter-BENFEI-Thunderbolt-compatibel-Aluminium/dp/B07XTGKP5M/ (または類似のもので、携帯電話と互換性のあるプラグを持っているもの)。
>> =============================
>> 何が原因なのか、どのように起こるのか、確かなことはわかりません。ただ、注射を受けた人たち(同じブランドでも様々な種類があった)は、その後、異なるレベルの毒素(グラフェンや他の何か)を得たということだけは知っています。その結果、電磁波の吸収率が高くなる可能性がある。また、60GHz付近では酸素分子が変化するという記事も見たことがある。これ以上わからないのが残念です。私は通信のための解決策を探そうとしていて、すでにいくつかのアイデアを持っている。しかし、まだ時間が必要だ。また、半径数Km(50Km~100Km)の範囲に、より良いエネルギー・フィールドを作ることができるようです。このより良いエネルギーが、他の人たちの心身のバランスを整え、マインド・コントロール・プログラムと戦う助けになることを期待しています。雨の量が劇的に増えたという研究もあります。また、私自身も地元での改善を観察した。だから私は、できる限り問題から解決策へと、ゆっくりと注意を移している。すでにPDFを送ったが、再送することもできるし、詳細を共有することもできる。今のところ、これ以上の方法はないと思っている。すべてを証明する研究はたくさんあるので、他の方法が必要だと思う。
>> よろしくお願いします。
>> ジョゼ
so it is
in gouvernment are put only humans who are selected because they like maney or power over other humans.

Sent with Proton Mail secure email.

On Saturday, March 16th, 2024 at 11:51, Stefan Spaarmann <spaarmannskype@freenet.de> wrote:
> I personally believe that technical solutions for environmentally and health-friendly mass communication are possible.
> The problem is, Western thinking doesn't know the word consideration. Greed for power and money dominate, those in government are the ones who are most easily corrupted, manipulated and abused.
> This forces us to find protective solutions despite difficult conditions. Official science doesn't help us, it has degenerated into a prostitute. And above all, the fundamentals of natural science have been frozen and outdated for over a hundred years.
> Am 15.03.24 um 23:14 schrieb Jose Cardoso:
>> Hello
>> I still use mobile phone , unfortunately . But I connect it to internet via cable. I also use shielding clothes.
>> If this interests you, see details below
>> =============================
>> After 5G deployment I got very sick, and then had to use protection clothes before turning mobile ON. I still do this when I am travelling. I get strong headaches if I use phone without EMF shielding clothes. https://hollandshielding.com/en/protective-clothing-electromagnetic-radiation
>> Meanwhile I found ways to connect to internet using cable only, when I am at home - so I have phone in flight mode and still works for most things.
>> Some options for you:
>> - plug your phone to the internet cable directly to using this adapter: https://www.amazon.nl/Ethernet-adapter-BENFEI-Thunderbolt-compatibel-Aluminium/dp/B07XTGKP5M/ (or similar one, that has compatible plug to your phone)
>> - plug your phone to a computer and turn on the Internet sharing feature. Can be done using normal usb cable (no extra adapter needed) but you need the PC connected to internet via cable. Go to settings click properties and select internet sharing via cable. You may want to google how to do for your specific computer model. Is easy to find, both for windows and Mac.
>> I noticed you sent few questions about a specific frequency that may kill people
>> =============================
>> I dont know for sure what causes or how. I just know that those who got the injection (and there was variants even of same brand) people then got different levels of toxins (graphene and something else). That could lead to higher EMF absorption. Then I also seen articles showing that around 60GHz the oxygen molecules can be changed, so the vax ones may get a few more impacts : lack of oxygen and more radiation absorption. I regret I dont know more. I have been trying to look for solutions for communication, already got some ideas. But still need to find time. I already got involved with sacred geometry devices and this seems to be helpful to alleviate clima issues, Also seems to create better energy fields in a the radius of few Km (something between 50Km - 100Km) I am hopeful that this better energy also can help others to balance their bodies and mind, and fight the mind control programs. There are studies also showing dramatic increase in quantity of rain. I also observed local improvements my self. So I am slowly shifting my attention from the problem to solutions, the best I can. I already sent a PDF with that, but I can resend it or share more details. For now I dont see better way to help people. We have so many studies to prove all, I think we need other ways.
>> Kind regards
>> José













Very good point Victor

As the philosopher J Krishnamurti - who worked closely with the quantum physicist David Bohm since they both understood that the observer is the observed - said, we have to start where we are.

If not we are back in the image making of thought's theories and not in the actual. Not with the fact.

And Stefan's point about true religious mind and the fact of true science being synonymous is borne out with Bohm and Krishnamurti and their approach to the ending of time in the mind and the sacred.

As the earth continues its spiralling journey through cosmos the relationship in terms of radiation from the sun to the earth changes of course

We might be entering a remarkable opportunity, if mind is sufficiently aware, for such energetic changes to engender a jump in human consciousness from the prison of time to the freedom of the timeless

And it is interesting that the last book of the old testament, Malachi, refers to the SUN of God.

This is in keeping with the gnostic approach to the Christ energy

Perhaps the most intelligent thing in these remarkable times is to be still

Quiet. As Ramana Maharshi put it.

Or be still and "know" god as the old testament had it

Know in inverted commas as this knowing must be beyond thought as God or the sacred is timeless , whereas thought is time bound

Best wishes












Hello Jose

My view and as always I don't claim to know is that wise mind does not rely in thought alone

So to speak wise mind connects with the sacred though silence and the energy of the absence of thought

That energy cannot be accessed by thought but a silent mind connected with emptiness, the sacred as fact, and the energy of the absence of thought can not only inform thought but can also keep thought in its right functional place so it does not take over mind

The connection with the sacred is about by definition timelessness which is why thought can never get at the sacred

A mind sacred and in essence free of time might use thought as a tool and then the tool is just a tool.

That tool of thought can only operate in the dimension of time

Not that I know

But for me I do sense silence is the open door in the mind to the sacred

Best wishes as always


> ステファン、俊郎さん、ホセ
> >>
> 問題なのは、西洋的思考が配慮という言葉を知らないことだ。権力と金銭への貪欲さが支配的で、政府の人間は最も簡単に腐敗し、操られ、悪用される。

> しかし、それ以上に......俊郎さんも同意するように......おそらく、人間同士の残酷な行為によって......突然、神が隕石(NEOと呼ばれることもある)を介して怒りを送るか、あるいは意識的なAIの台頭によって、超人、そしてトランスヒューマンが誕生するのではないでしょうか......。
> 私は知らない...これは全体主義への段階なのかもしれない(ハンナ・アーレント)。
> 私たちは何もできないように思える...。
> 自分たちの愚かさ...特に大きな赤いボタンを押す狂ったリーダーから...。
> 神のご加護を
> あなた方の
> ビクター

> danke Stefan and Toshiro-san, Jose
> >>
> The problem is, Western thinking doesn't know the word consideration. Greed for power and money dominate, those in government are the ones who are most easily corrupted, manipulated and abused.
> >>
> I agree, but more than that...as Toshiro-san would also agree...perhaps by all the cruelties of humans towards each others..then suddenly God send His wrath either via meteor (sometimes dubbed as NEO), or even the rise of conscious AI will lead to superhumans then transhumans..
> I do not know...may be this is just a phase to totalitarianism (Hannah Arendt)
> I felt rather depressed this evening....seems like we can do nothing...
> only God Himself can save us from our own stupidity...especially from a crazy leader pushing large red button....
> God bless you all
> yours
> Victor*






 - https://www.amazon.nl/Ethernet-adapter-BENFEI-Thunderbolt-compatibel-Aluminium/dp/B07XTGKP5M/(または類似のもので、携帯電話と互換性のあるプラグを持つもの)。
 - 携帯電話をコンピューターに接続し、インターネット共有機能をオンにする。通常のUSBケーブルでも可能ですが(アダプターは不要)、PCがケーブルでインターネットに接続されている必要があります。設定からプロパティをクリックし、ケーブル経由のインターネット共有を選択します。ご自分のパソコンの機種に合った方法をググってみてください。ウィンドウズ用もマック用も簡単に見つかります。

何が原因なのか、どのようにしてなのか、確かなことはわかりません。ただ、注射を打った人たち(同じブランドでも様々な種類があった)は、その後、異なるレベルの毒素(グラフェンや他の何か)を得たことを知っています。その結果、電磁波の吸収率が高くなる可能性がある。また、60GHz付近では酸素分子が変化するという記事も見たことがある。これ以上わからないのが残念です。私は通信のための解決策を探そうとしていて、すでにいくつかのアイデアを持っている。しかし、まだ時間が必要だ。また、半径数Km(50Km~100Km)の範囲に、より良いエネルギー・フィールドを作ることができるようです。このより良いエネルギーが、他の人たちの心身のバランスを整え、マインド・コントロール・プログラムと戦う助けになることを期待しています。 雨の量が劇的に増えたという研究もあります。また、私自身も地元での改善を観察した。だから私は、できる限り問題から解決策へと、ゆっくりと注意を移している。すでにPDFを送ったが、再送することもできるし、詳細を共有することもできる。今のところ、これ以上の方法はないと思っている。すべてを証明する研究はたくさんあるので、他の方法が必要だと思います。


I still use mobile phone , unfortunately . But I connect it to internet via cable. I also use shielding clothes.

If this interests you, see details below

After 5G deployment I got very sick, and then had to use protection clothes before turning mobile ON. I still do this when I am travelling. I get strong headaches if I use phone without EMF shielding clothes. https://hollandshielding.com/en/protective-clothing-electromagnetic-radiation

Meanwhile I found ways to connect to internet using cable only, when I am at home - so I have phone in flight mode and still works for most things.

Some options for you:
 - plug your phone to the internet cable  directly to using this adapter: https://www.amazon.nl/Ethernet-adapter-BENFEI-Thunderbolt-compatibel-Aluminium/dp/B07XTGKP5M/ (or similar one, that has compatible plug to your phone)
 - plug your phone to a computer and turn on the Internet sharing feature. Can be done using normal usb cable (no extra adapter needed) but you need the PC connected to internet via cable. Go to settings click properties and select internet sharing via cable. You may want to google how to do for your specific computer model. Is easy to find, both for windows and Mac.

I noticed you sent few questions about a specific frequency that may kill people
I dont know for sure what causes or how. I just know that those who got the injection (and there was variants even of same brand) people then got different levels of toxins (graphene and something else). That could  lead to higher EMF absorption. Then I also seen articles showing that around 60GHz the oxygen molecules can be changed, so the vax ones may get a few more impacts : lack of oxygen and more radiation absorption. I regret I dont know more. I have been trying to look for solutions for communication, already got some ideas. But still need to find time. I already got involved with sacred geometry devices and this seems to be helpful to alleviate  clima issues, Also seems to create better energy fields in a the radius of few Km (something between 50Km - 100Km) I am hopeful that this better energy also can help others to balance their bodies and mind, and fight the mind control programs.  There are studies also showing dramatic increase in quantity of rain. I also observed local improvements my self. So I am slowly shifting my attention from the problem to solutions, the best I can. I already sent a PDF with that, but I can resend it or share more details. For now I dont see better way to help people. We have so many studies to prove all, I think we need other ways.

Kind regards
























Thank you Nicholas

Quiet. As Ramana Maharshi put it.

do you mean to be stand still, ...enclosed is a book on tea...I never come to England...how was tea culture, corresponding to quiet culture in England? I heard that they often speak little.......

may I question: is it true that still corresponds or descends from a word: distill?

that is to be still and keep our mind quiet, means to distill and digest all things that happen...

as Chinese people would say: wu wei.. .:-)

(but I m not a good philosopher, just a beginner....allow me sending you our presentation last two years to a conference in India....on Namaste)

God bless you all



Very good point Victor

As the philosopher J Krishnamurti - who worked closely with the quantum physicist David Bohm since they both understood that the observer is the observed - said, we have to start where we are.

If not we are back in the image making of thought's theories and not in the actual. Not with the fact.

And Stefan's point about true religious mind and the fact of true science being synonymous is borne out with Bohm and Krishnamurti and their approach to the ending of time in the mind and the sacred.

As the earth continues its spiralling journey through cosmos the relationship in terms of radiation from the sun to the earth changes of course

We might be entering a remarkable opportunity, if mind is sufficiently aware, for such energetic changes to engender a jump in human consciousness from the prison of time to the freedom of the timeless

And it is interesting that the last book of the old testament, Malachi, refers to the SUN of God.

This is in keeping with the gnostic approach to the Christ energy

Perhaps the most intelligent thing in these remarkable times is to be still

Quiet. As Ramana Maharshi put it.

Or be still and "know" god as the old testament had it

Know in inverted commas as this knowing must be beyond thought as God or the sacred is timeless , whereas thought is time bound

Best wishes



















Dear Stefan, Sibylle, Nicholas, and dr Toshiro

danke and greetings

I agree with Stefan and dr Toshiro-san...I think that this Earth is undergoing transition toward 5D consciousness.

and the best thing we can do is to embracing increased awareness and consciousness ourselves...

here is one way to start, by assuming our DNA is not materialistic thing like table or window...but epigenetic:


see Bruce Lipton:


(he is one of initiator of research on epigenetics, that would mean that our bodies can be improved by altering our state of consciuousness...dr Toshiro would you mind to explain more?)

and there is also research by Monroe Institute, on how to synchronize both left and right hemisphere of human brains...other than that, imbalanced brain will lead to this Earth destruction...
I hope you understood the message

what we can do is to start from ourselves



God bless you all our friends and colleagues...love you all

yours sincerely
