







Erena Velazquez

4月5日 15:19  · 

Queen An-Ra 🛸🛸🌅👑🌅🛸🛸

Greetings Humans,

I am Queen An-Ra, the leading Council of the Planetary InterGalactic Coalition. Recently, I resigned from the New Earth High Council. The position was given to the right person, you are going to find out in the near future, who replaced me.

I want to concentrate on our new alliance expansion, which reaches now over 1000 Galactic civilizations. All of them have the desire to live in peace and harmony without a long lasting Galactic Wars. Anubis has been directly leading the fleet and helping other civilizations with urgent matters.

Today, I want to discuss important topics related to your planet. Please, take my words seriously. I am speaking on behalf of Light Beings, who are concerned about the instability of your world. Your Light Community is still confused about the truth, what it is really going on, and what is false made up stories. The Ascension is not going to happen, unless a real transformation happens in the humankind consciousness.

Your confusion indicates to us, that not enough spiritual work is being done on a daily basis of doing silent meditations and letting go of the Matrix’s attachments, such as materialistic things, judgements, greed and etc. The suppression of the truth is not going to speed up your transition to a New Earth. Ascended Masters accepted the Divine Truth, and this is why they got enlightenment, They spend many years of soul searching and tried to learn on, what does the Universe means, on how it works and responds to everyone, who devotes their time to embrace the Universal Truth.

This is very important step in a spiritual development into higher dimensions. Being attached to the 3D Matrix and spreading lies, deceptions and being confused is not going to open the road to a paradise. Living in fear and trusting false information coming from the minions, it’s only slowing down the transition. They have planted their Dark minions everywhere, who constantly confuse humanity.

They are not going to be rewarded for their negative behavior with Ascension, it’s the opposite, they are going to loose their chance to move to a higher dimension, and they will be transferred to the 3D planet Zenxa. Recognizing the real truth is a part of your graduation from the 3D reality. The old planet’s shell will be returned to the original state of molecules, New Earth is waiting for you in 5D. Divine intervention shifted the whole process of the transition into a different path with a new master plan, which has been created last year, and so far has not been disclosed to humans, in order not to jeopardize it.

These steps are necessary, as your Dark Controllers know all of the plans from 20 years ago, which were made by the Alliance and the Light Community. Everything what supposed to happen and you heard now for years, so far didn’t come into reality. Do you know why? Darkness keeps stopping positive events from occuring. The power of high frequencies needs to reach a certain level in order to able to destroy all of the negative thoughts, actions and negative events.

Your input in this process of liberation is crucial and necessary. We are not allowed to interfere directly right now. These are your responsibilities to clean up the mess on your own planet. Many other Galactic civilizations went through many different phases, you are not the first planet experiencing these turbulent times. More importantly you have no idea, what is really transpiring daily in your holographic illusion. All of the scary tactic plans by the Negative Ones are failing no matter, what they do.

Divine is crushing their Dark agendas. Nothing is working for them, and it will never work. My Dear Humans, stay always focused and connected with your soul by doing daily silent meditations. Your 3D holographic illusion is coming to the end. Please, accept my Supreme Love. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.

Trust Divine

Queen An-Ra

Channeled by Erena Velazquez

Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces




Erena Velazquezさん星ありがとうございます晴れ虹キラキラ