






Erena Velazquez

18時間  · 

Prime Creator ❤️🌎❤️

My Beloved Children,

I am Father, Prime Creator, here today to give an update on the Earth situation at this moment.

All of the events that are related to the transition need to happen to cleanse this planet. Also, the exposure of the Darkness agendas, and their plans to eliminate 90% of population failed. Each day passing more and more is becoming obvious, how corrupted these Dark Entities are without any regrets for their actions.

You can see clearly, that your governments start purposely conflicts in different parts of your world to fulfill their plans of greed and the killing of innocent humans just for their own gain. I mentioned before that you can’t be anymore just an observant, it’s time for you to become more proactive and remove all of the governments everywhere around the globe without any exceptions.

Genocide of innocent souls needs to stop, Divine punishment is on the way for the Corrupted Souls. Their Negative existence is coming to the end. Justice needs to prevail in order to move to the next level of existence to the enlightenment. Millions and millions of years of forced slavery and control are going to be dissolved by Divine.

Many of us from high dimensions have been working on breaking down the negative energies and exposing the Dark Entities. Be aware of that majority of healers are false and don’t provide any actual spiritual guidance or healing, they are just in it for their own benefit and money. To heal someone you need to be connected to Divine through your Universal Consciousness, be a pure and innocent soul like a child without being selfish or taking advantage of others.

In the near future they are going to be exposed like the Controllers. The ones, who are evolving, can see the growing gap between the awakened and unawakened. I mentioned in the past not everyone is going to ascend. Humankind needs to reach specific spiritual heights to move to 5D. You can’t bring all of the imperfections and personal agendas into higher dimensions, these type of behaviors are not allowed there.

Separation between humans reached the highest level, as it’s part of the transformation. You can’t avoid the pressure of making a decision of, what is your next step. Times are drastically changing, and humankind is going to be forced to remove their corrupted governments and stop their plans of harming humans. You need to understand, they are not going to change or regret their evil actions against you.

Your superiors have been abusing their power over everyone for a long time, and if it’s needed Ashtar has our support to remove specific leaders, when is the right time, unless humanity removes them themselves first. Majority of your government’s officials are not even real, they are replaced with actors or clones.

The Darkness is fighting to the end, and it doesn’t want to give up its power of controlling Mother Earth. It doesn’t matter anymore, the gradual process by Divine of striping their physical bodies from their souls, it’s happening despite of appearances. Your planet will continue to experience many challenges until a full Ascension occurs.

The work of raising your vibrations by doing daily silent meditations needs to be done, otherwise the alternative is to stay in 3D. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces Please accept my Supreme Love.

Stay Focused on Your Goals

Prime Creator

Channeled by Erena Velazquez

Ambassador of Galactic Light




Erena Velazquezさん星ありがとうございます晴れ虹キラキラ