





Erena Velazquez

1月19日 22:10  · 

Greetings Humans,

We are an Ancient race Annunaki coming a second time through this channel, as we feel some facts need our explanation.

We came to your planet a long time ago, as we had an interest in a gold supply. Our visit resulted in the creation of the human race. You were perfect and flawless as Gods are. Humans could live long lives over thousands of years without experiencing any diseases or going through the aging process. You always looked young no matter of the age, unlike today.

We are your parents. As soon as we left Earth, other civilizations started to mess with your DNA and do experimentation on your bodies. Now, you live short lives and leave your physical vessels in pain and agony. You are not the same humans, we made. We are not your enemies, we decided to stay neutral and not get too involved in any matters related to others, unless it affects us directly in a negative way, then we respond with our full force of military and power.

We have super soldiers who are stronger than Reptilians. They have no weak spots unlike the Reptilians, who have a vulnerable spot, If you shoot the Reptilian in the head, you can kill them easily. Also we have one of the top Galactic fleets in the whole Cosmos. Our spacecrafts and weapons are very advanced.

Some human sources on Earth are spreading a false information about us having plans to attack your planet. Sorry, we have zero interest to get involved with Gaia. Cosmos is endless, and we are constantly exploring new Galaxies, Star Systems, Universes and etc. Our Galactic civilization experienced different stages of development, so we don’t want to be in 3D again.

You have too much chaos daily across the globe. If you want to Ascend and move to a New Earth into the fifth dimension, first, the real truth about your world needs to come out to the daylight, and everyone’s self reflection is necessary on the global situation. Evil, which controls the narrative on Earth, is pushing the extinction of your civilization by using different methods such as diseases, vaccines shots, wars, gender confusion and etc. The Dark Ones main tactic is fear, keeping everyone in a low vibrations by making everyone fearful for their lives.

It has been going for such a long time, that you need to fight back. The process of transformation comes with a price, some of you are going to leave your physical bodies during this road to freedom. You can’t wait and be obedient, when everything is falling apart around you. Look at the courage of the German farmers, who are rebelling against their government in Berlin, Germany. They are fighting back for their human rights, a better life, and their right to be able to provide for their family and themselves in your society.

Honestly, we can’t comprehend your system of enslavement by money, that you need to pay for every single thing in your world. Your Ascension Process is a form of survival. What is your alternative to continue be told on how to live your life in every aspect of your existence. Divine created an opportunity for everyone to Ascend. If you open yourself to the super high frequencies that are send by Divine everyday and become aware about the 5D reality on what, it means for the human race living in a paradise without worries in a perfect harmony with your environment including the Animal Kingdom.

How many of you will Ascend, only Divine knows. We wish for the human civilization to succeed in your transition to freedom and a new way of life. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.

Your Faith is in Your Hands


Channeled by Erena Velazquez

Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces




Erena Velazquezさん星ありがとうございます晴れ虹キラキラ