






Erena Velazquez

20時間  · 

Nicola Tesla 🕊🌎🕊

Good Morning Everyone,

I am Nicola Tesla, and I am happy to communicate to humankind in transition into new realms.

After leaving Earth I was blessed with a new body, which allows for me to continue my favorite work of creating new technologies. During my human life I discovered many things and wanted to put them into use on the planet Earth. My attempts were suppressed by Evil like energy from Cosmos and other resources available to help humans to advance as civilization.

It’s goal to continue the suppression and elimination of population. This why I have been working closely with Light Forces to help prevent any attempts of harming your planet. Also, I am ready to share some technologies with humanity on New Earth. It’s time Now for all of you to let go of being enslaved by the Matrix and embrace Divine Energies from Cosmos. Start pouring Love and Light to each other to lift others from Darkness.

You have no idea, how much support and help, you have been receiving from Galactic Light Beings. Your planet would not exist without Divine Intervention. Many of you have been not happy that this Ascension Process has been taking forever. Do you really understand the magnitude of changes, which are required to move into to a new multidimensional reality? The shift is going to happen, when you are ready to accept it. Observe the nature and see how it smoothly and harmoniously vibrates daily.

We all are creators, so start your day by being in high vibrations to connect to Divine Energies through meditations. Time to become proactive and stop being a prisoner of holographic simulation.

Recently, I participated in many operations related to Earth like many attempts of destruction of the planet, obstructions of enslaving a human race on the other planets and etc. Your fake savers of humankind are trying to explore Cosmos for their own benefit and use everyone to create wealth for themselves. Holographic simulation needs to be dissolved completely. Especially the tool like money system used to create misery and suffering needs to disappear.

Time to start thinking in a new way without any attachments to old habits and open yourself to receive and give back to others without any expectations. Whatever we send to Cosmos, we receive back. Be aware of your thought process, if you want to bring harmony and peace into your life. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces. I am sending Love and Blessings.

We will meet soon.

Nicola Tesla

Channeled by Erena Velazquez

Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.




Erena Velazquezさん星ありがとうございます晴れ虹キラキラ