





あなたが最初のチャクラに焦点を合わせるとき、今色を見てください。背骨の付け根にある最初のものは赤です。上に移動する2番目のチャクラ:オレンジ。 3番目の黄色。 4番目の青緑色。心臓の中心、そして心臓の中心のすぐ上、また再活性化された高い心臓の中心、それをマゼンタとして見てください。喉の部分にある5番目のチャクラ、スカイブルー。第六に、額の真ん中に、第三の目、紫または藍。そして頭のてっぺんにある7番目のチャクラ、クラウンチャクラ、ゴールド、バイオレット、またはシルバー。そして8番目のソウルスターチャクラは、頭から約1フィート上にあり、鮮やかな真っ白です。


そして、あなたがチャクラの中心に焦点を合わせて色を強め、それによってあなたの振動を強めるにつれて、あなたはあなたの振動を高めていることを知ってください。これはあなたのバイブレーションを上げることができる一つの方法、一つのツールです。 「どうすればバイブレーションを上げることができますか?」と聞かれます。これはあなたがそれをすることができる1つの方法です。これは、毎週日曜日にこれを行うよう私達があなたに示す1つの方法です。あなた方がこれらの時代に集まるたびに、これらの呼びかけで、私たちはあなたにこれを示します。




























Luce Light


Sunday Call Meditation with Sananda

a guided meditation to open a pineal gland:

Right now, remaining in your tube of protective white light, focus for a few moments on your breathing as you breathe the of life, and you exhale out any tension, stress, any kind of negativity. Let that go out with the exhalation of your breath. Just focus now on relaxing and letting go. As you breathe in the light, hold it for a few seconds, and exhale out the darkness. Breathe in the light, and exhale out the darkness. Breathe in the light, and exhale out the darkness.

Now put your attention on your chakra centers, your etheric body, and visualize all of your chakras. There are 12 chakra centers, but only 8 at his point have been activated, or in many cases reactivated. And we will focus on those 8 chakras now. The 7 going from the base of yuur spine to the top of your head, and then the Soul Star Chakra just above your head now, that has become reactivated in the Lightworking, Light-Warrior Community.

As you focus on the first chakra, see the colors now. The first one as red at the base of the spine. The second chakra moving up: orange. The third, yellow. The fourth, blue green. The heart center, and just above the heart center, the high heart center which has also become reactivated, see that as magenta. The fifth chakra at the throat area, sky blue. Sixth, in the middle of the forehead, the third eye, purple or indigo. And the seventh chakra at the top of the head, the crown chakra, gold, violet, or silver. And the eighth, the Soul Star Chakra, approximately a foot above the head, and that as a brilliant pure white.

Now as you see all of the colors, visualize the colors, think the colors. Also be aware of the vibration within those colors, the resonance within them, and how each vibrates. Feel the vibration in the chakras as you intensify the colors.

And know that as you focus on your chakra centers and intensify the colors, thus intensifying your vibration, you're raising your vibration. This is one way, one tool, to be able to raise your vibration. People have asked, "how do I raise my vibration?" This is one way you can do that. This is one way that we show you each Sunday to do this. Each time you come together in these times, in these calls, we show you this.

Now focus on the colors, the vibration with in the colors, and the spinning of the chakras as well, both clockwise and counterclockwise. Each chakra spins clockwise to send energy out from the etheric body and spins counterclockwise to bring energy into the etheric body. Always in and out, so within, so without.

Feel the energies now within your chakras building and building, as the vibration increases within the chakra centers. And then put your attention at your high heart center, that magenta-colored center, and your sixth chakra in the middle of your forehead, the third-eye, and energetically connect the two. Make the heart-mind connection here, energetically connecting one with the other by sending energy. Visualize energy going from your high heart center to your third eye in the middle of your forehead, and back down again to your high heart center and around, and around, and around until a vortex of energy is formed. And feel your Conscious Knowing Self Being pulled into that vortex now, being pulled into it. So that your exit point now, you are now looking out through your third eye. You are in the middle of your forehead as that point of light, or point of consciousness. A little ball point of consciousness looking out through your third eye as a window or doorway into the astral realm.

Know that you can, and many do when they astral travel, exit through their third chakra. But this is a safer and much more expedient way of doing so, by going out through your third eye. The third eye is a doorway into multidimensional realms. And indeed your Soul Star Chakra is even more of a doorway, a window into those multidimensional realms. But for our purposes now, only to the astral and etheric realm.

So let yourself exit now through that third eye, right through that doorway. Find yourself in the room wherever you are, next to your body. Standing next to your body. You can even be floating. Just as when you exit the body at death, you float up above your physical body. Many have experienced this in their near-death experiences and have come back to speak about it. So feel yourself float or standing next to your physical body. And know that you are connected still to your physical body, but you are also separate from it. Your physical body is not you. It is simply a vessel for you to use in this lifetime. It is not you.

Now, let yourself begin to rise up in your astral and etheric body. Feel yourself rising up, and see your physical body now falling below you as you rise un through the roof of the building that you are in. High up into the clouds if you are outside, up into the clouds. All the way until you pass the Earth's atmosphere. Once there, turn around, look back down, see the Earth down there. See your physical body way down there. Feel the connection to your physical form. But also the disconnect from your physical form as well. For if you can see yourself down there, you are no longer fully there. You are now in two places at once.

Now what I want you to do is you look down at the Earth and you see the Earth the way she is now. The way she is in her third-dimensional expression. Now I want you to take, visualize, a pair of glasses, rose-colored glasses, if you will, and put those glasses on. Notice the difference as you put these glasses on, these 5D glasses. Put them on and see now the way that we see from our vantage point up on the ship how we see the Earth as a beautiful pristine blue planet. Then you can take the glasses off briefly and see the way again, in the third-dimensional expression. But then put the glasses back on. Go back and forth. Just as you have been going back and forth throughout your life now. Sometimes in the third-dimensional expression, sometimes in 4D, sometimes in 5D. Whenever you feel joy and ecstasy, your vibration is high. You are in the higher fourth, and even fifth-dimensional expression.

Feel it now as you switch back and forth between the glasses, between the third-dimensional expression, the illusion, and see it as an illusion now, simply an illusion that can be wiped away with these glasses. This is how simple it feels for all of you if you allow it. You do not need to hold onto the third-dimensional expression, the third-dimensional illusion. For that is all it is, an illusion. And as you put the 5D glasses on now, the veil is gone. There is no more veil between the dimensions. And in fact, the ved has already been dissipated it is only your programming that continues to hold you to the illusion.

So now, as you look down with the 5D glasses (make sure they are on now), and you are looking down at the Earth, a beautiful blue planet, Gaia And you see the crystalline grid, the Christ Consciousness Grid that surrounds the planet, connecting all of the various energy points around the planet, the ley line connections. The power points that are all over the planet. You know of many of the power points. And there are many that you do not know of. But know that all of these points are being reconnected. They have already been reconnected in the 5D expression. And as you look through the glasses, you can see that. You can see the entire globe, and all of the great power points across the planet have now been turned to light, away from the darkness. The darkness has dissipated. The darkness has been illuminated in the 5D expression.

But if you take the glasses off and look at it in the third dimensional expression, you still see the pockets of darkness. You still see the crystalline grid not being completely connected. For there is another step that is needed where you connect the Christ consciousness Grid, the crystalline grid, to the crystalline structures that are buried yet throughout the planet deep under the Earth, but rising, already risen in their fifth-dimensional expression. They even will rise in the third dimension. The great crystals of Atlantis coming back, connecting to this grid once again as they were once before.

But where the dark forces were able to literally shut off the grid, now it is being turned back on again. Those of the Forces of Light, the Alliance, have been working on this for some time. And you, the Boots on the Ground, have also been working on doing this.

Every time that you share light, you send light into this crystalline grid. You may not be aware of that. But you do, every single time that you raise your vibration into the fifth dimensional expression, you add light to the grid. Which is why those of the forces of darkness have done everything they can to hold you in the dark, to hold the truth away from you. To keep you in the dark. To keep that shadow side of yourself. All of that is diminishing.

You see now crystalline grid, all the power points connected all over the planet, and the rising of the great crystals, the great Atlantean crystals, and even the monoliths that have been placed throughout the various points on the planet soon to be connected as well when their time comes when the vibration reaches the point where they can also be a part of this connection which will then hold the light forever more on this planet, never to be diminished again.

For Gaia has served her purpose. You all have served your purpose. It is time now to move on. To move on from the third-dimensional illusion, to forevermore drop the veil, and see what you were always meant to see. See the beauty that is all in front of you. The beauty that you do see at times when you find yourself in a forest, or at a stream, or at the ocean front. You see the beauty of Gaia and, even more importantly, you feel the vibration of Gaia. You feel her. That is where you are all going in the ascension.

Now as you look through those rose-colored glasses, those 5D glasses, and you see the Earth, see Gaia in her fifth

Dimensional expression that she is already in. You see that now. You see all the people on the planet coming together as one, as one unity consciousness. No more separation. Only togetherness. Only oneness. Only unity. Unity of brother and sister. And of all the animals and the plants, and the rocks and stones themselves all coming together as one. This, my friends, is ascension. This is 5D expression. With no more illusion.

Now if you would, allow yourselves to begin to drift back to your physical form. From wherever you find yourself, come back to your physical body, bringing that 5D expression with you. Bring those glasses with you, knowing that you can take them out and put them on any time you want to.

You can transform the illusion right there in that moment to the higher fourth and fifth-dimensional expression simply by changing the vision that you have. And of course, what you are doing with the glasses is you are using your third eye. Your third eye opens whenever you begin to use it. This is one tool that we are giving you now that you can use any time you want to open up your third eye. You are ready for this. We have been preparing you for this.

Now if you would all come back into a complete state of consciousness and circulation, fully revitalized and refreshed.

Channeled by James McConnell




James McConnellさん虹ありがとうございます晴れ虹キラキラ

Luce Lightさん虹ありがとうございます晴れ虹キラキラ
