せんしゅうのきんようびは ミックススピーカーズインクの コンサートに いきました!!ラブラブ
It was great!! the vibes in the hall were amazing о(ж>▽<)y ☆ドキドキ

At saturday I was with ゆかちゃん in ハンブルク ( ´艸`)
I bought three magazines p(^-^)q


I'm loving themラブラブ!
I found an article about the 9th Anniversary year LIVE TOUR of Loop Ash (^ε^)♪
The picture of hixroさん and ケイタさんラブラブ
It looks so sweet (‐^▽^‐)
There is also a special about UnderCode Production!! ニコニコ
ああ!! By the way....
yesterday was the birthday of
りゅうとさん (^O^)
One article is about 'Drop Star Shooting' o(;△;)oドキドキラブラブ!
And two pages were about VanessAラブラブ
They'll have their first OneMan live at the 6th of march (*^▽^*)
I hope they'll make it 音譜

When ゆかちゃん and me came back to ブレーメン we bought us some 'Strawberryjuice with vodka' いちご得意げ

It was very tasty, wasn't it?! ( ´艸`)

Tomorrow 有村竜太朗さん と 長谷川正さん will be at Mao's room ラブラブ
But I couldn't see it live because of the time difference between japan and germany しょぼん

Now I have to go to bed Zzz…(*´?`*)。o○

おやすみ (^з^)-☆Chu!!

じゃ~ ★モチ★ °(^ω^v)

Oh by the way...
Today I finished my drawing of 麗さん....
but I don't like it that much I liked the drawing of 大佑さん that I had draw for 咲ちゃん (_ _。)
I think I'll try to draw マコさん or りゅうとさん the next time...(^_^)v