I'm ill since wednesday しょぼん
I had to cancel three exam (´□`。)
actually....I wanted to go to ななちゃん with ゆかちゃん this weekend....ラブラブ
but my mum says I'm too ill for going....\(*`∧´)/

anyhow she allowed me to watch some movies and return in the evening.......
but.....I wanted to colour my hair again ショック!
maybe..I should wait till tomorrow~
I hope it will be better then...(o^-')b
I will go to sleep now (-_-メ
because my head aching a lot あせる

By the way~
today I bought my rail ticket for the concert of 'Mix Speaker's Inc.' ドキドキ
I'm so excited (*^o^*)

おやすみ (-_☆)

じゃ~ ★モチ★ °(^ω^v)