こんばんは (≡^∇^≡)

yesterday was very boring wasn't it?!
today I was at work again (-з-)....
During copy something my bracelett felt off 。・゚゚・(≧д≦)・゚゚・。
I bought it because the 'v' looks like the logo of -v-(NEU)ドキドキ
.....I had never take it off....しょぼん
ゆかちゃん and me bought some cake at friday ラブラブ
Now I have only one left (*^o^*)

アップおいしい ですキスマーク ( ´艸`)

I have to hurry a little bit......
because I have to go to sleep ガーン
Tomorrow is school again.....

じゃ~ ★モチ★ °(^ω^v)