ただいマオ!! (^O^)/

I was at work today...
it was very boring..but in the break we went to a restaurant and ate something (^_^)v
やきそばをたべました!! 割り箸 ラブラブ

Tomorrow I have to go to school again....。(´д`lll)
But after school I'll go to 日本語の授業 (^ε^)♪
We'll write a little test, I hope I'll make it p(^-^)q

Today it's the birthday from one of our group in kyoto べーっだ!
誕生日おめでとう はやてくん!(^_-)☆

Now I have to go to bed...しょぼん
because I have to get up at 5:30 am ....Zzz…(*´?`*)。o○

じゃ~ ★モチ★ °(^ω^v)