ごめん,ね- m(_ _ )m
I was too lazy for writing...しょぼん

Yesterday...I wasn't at the rehearsal of rY....
My parents didn't want me to go........( ̄へ  ̄ 凸

But today I was at ななちゃんs home ラブラブ
We watched a lot of movies (^_^)v
at first we had watched 'Moon child'ドキドキ(-^□^-)
Isn't it strange?! I havn't watched it yet (_ _。)
the second was 'Bangkog Love' (。>0<。)
then we watched 'No regret' and in the end 'Ethan Mao' (^_^)v
Now I'm a little bit tired....Zzz…(*´?`*)。o○
We've cried a lot.... あせる

Tomorrow I have to work again.....(`Δ´)


Now I'll watch a dvd from シド and 仙台貨物 ラブラブ!

じゃ~ ★モチ★ °(^ω^v)