
New year's eve....was very funny...VEEEERYY funny о(ж>▽<)y ☆
But...I didn't take any photos o(;△;)o
ごめん、ね- m(u_u)m
I will ask 咲ちゃん tomorrowラブラブ
Maybe she could give me some photos she had taken v(^-^)v
Tomorrow I'll go to the rehearsal room of rY again ニコニコ
I hope that they'll be there this time プンプン
In the evening I have to look after simon )`ε´( 
He is one of my neighbours and sometimes I have to look after them when their parents want to go out しょぼん
I really like him...but sometimes he's a smart alec ((o(-゛-;)

I was at work in today...(>_<)
It was veery boring ショック!
But I'll be given some money ('-^*)/
So it's okayラブラブ!
Because next year I wanna go to many concerts (^ε^)
....and maybe...if everything will work I could return to japan (-^□^-)

a friend asked me for telling my favourite bands in my blog (>_<)
.....maybe I'll do this tomorrow....when I have time for itドキドキ
Because...there're too many (_ _。)

Now I'am watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire with my little sisterにひひ


じゃ~ ★モチ★ °(^ω^v)