
I've slept too long.... (ノ◇≦。)

Today I will go to 日本語の授業, そして 町へ いきたい ので 私と咲ちゃん は ゆかちゃんと あいたい です。ラブラブ

Yesterday I've phone with 咲ちゃん (*^▽^*)
During this I had searched some cards from my trip to 日本 ニコニコ
And then.....
I HAVE FOUND MY プリクラ ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
I thought I had lost them (`ε´)

This was with our third hostfamilyラブラブ
They were very cute (‐^▽^‐)

Today my little sister and my little brother will come to us ヽ(`Д´)ノ
So....maybe I won't go at the pc this evening....しょぼん
Because my brother will use the pc all the time \(*`∧´)/
My brother is a little bit....ehrm......I don't know 。・゚゚・(≧д≦)・゚゚・。
I don't like him very much...むっ
But my sister is very cute......sometimes (^_^)v
Here is an old piccu from her and me:

モチのブログ-sisandme ラブラブ

Now I have to go to 日本語の授業 おにぎり
また、ね~ (^O^)/

じゃ~ ★モチ★ °(^ω^v)