at first..
I'm sorry that I didn't wrote anything the last time... (´□`。)
my school is drawing on me more and more ショック!

I was in berlin о(ж>▽<)y ☆
it was very funny べーっだ!

was the 'Japan Incoporate~ Setsubun'ラブラブ
altough ゆかちゃん and I came too late, it was a lot of fun, wasn't it (-^□^-)

モチのブログ-yuka&me <3333

アップ ゆかちゃん and me ドキドキ

was Shinjiさんの誕生日ビックリマーク ( ´艸`)音譜

then...I had to go to school again しょぼん

咲ちゃん had some sweets with her at wednesday (-^□^-)
~Viele viele buunte smaartiiiiieeeeees 音譜 о(ж>▽<)y ☆

モチのブログ-star xDD <3

ゆかちゃん, 咲ちゃん and ...me にひひラブラブ

friday the 13th ラブラブ ( ´艸`)

バレンタインディー ラブラブ!

thanks for your valentine-cards ドキドキ (-^□^-)

at this day was asiaparty о(ж>▽<)y ☆
and my parents were off this weekend....so the house....was MINE γ(▽´ )ツヾ( `▽)ゞ

モチのブログ-chokoreeeeeeto <33
アップ this was a present from ゆかちゃんラブラブ
it was very tasty ( ̄▽+ ̄*)

ななちゃん came....
we watched four DVDs of ガクトさまビックリマーク (-^□^-)
...'Kagen no tsuki'
...'Jougen no tsuki'
...'The 6th day and 7th night'
we had to cry many times (´_`。)
but it was veery funny, wasn't it べーっだ!
~ 'Ich möchte Gackts Mikroständer sein' xDD jaja~ nana ich versteh dich >//< ~

she gave me a rose..because of バレンタインディー ラブラブ ( ´艸`)
the rose was broken because she had to run after the bus....but we fixed it ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
ありガクトななちゃん (^O^)/ ドキドキ

I had a exam in maths... ショック!
and....it was 京さんの誕生日 (^∇^)

was the birthday of Kaoさん and Nozomiさん (*^▽^*)

this wednesday I asked 亜紀先生 for the 'Eternal children-CD'....she said she'll try to buy it for me when she'll go to Japan again ラブラブ
I'm soo happy о(ж>▽<)y ☆ I hope she'll find the CD ラブラブ!
ah~ while we are at it...
マコさん took very cute pictures this week, nee~ (-^□^-)
Today...I had to write a german-exam しょぼん
it was pretty tough....and I think this won't be a good mark ((o(-゛-;)

my little sister and my little brother will come today....
so I think I can't use the pc this weekend.....again (´_`。)

Maybe I'll go to ハンブルク tomorrow.....(*^▽^*)
ah! by the way....

tomorrow is the last live of 'Braze a trail' ・°・(ノД`)・°・
I hope they'll have a lot of fun ヽ(;´ω`)ノ ラブラブ
今日はひぐらしのなく頃に ドキドキ ( ´艸`)

じゃあね~ ★モチ★ °(^ω^v)

This week was very stressful...ショック!
at tuesday was the birthday of a friend~
ゆかちゃん and I baked some muffins for her ( ´艸`)

the picture is a little bit to dark...but I like it о(ж>▽<)y ☆ラブラブ

then at friday we took some pictures with my classmates (^∇^)
during the lessons I was sooo bored, I scribbled at my hands (´_`。)


at saturday I went with ゆかちゃん to the birthday of our friend, we backed the muffins for....
it was really funny....
till I had drunk to much (>_<) 汗
today I tidied up my computer again (^_^)v
and I searched some pictures....
in the end........
the desktop looked like this:

モチのブログ-desktop O__O xD

( ´艸`)

In japan it's already the birthday of 明希さん (^ε^)♪
それだから。。。 誕生日おうめでとう!! クラッカー

so~ I can't use the computer till friday night しょぼん.....

after that....I'll go to sleep (*^▽^*)


じゃ~ ★モチ★ °(^ω^v)
せんしゅうのきんようびは ミックススピーカーズインクの コンサートに いきました!!ラブラブ
It was great!! the vibes in the hall were amazing о(ж>▽<)y ☆ドキドキ

At saturday I was with ゆかちゃん in ハンブルク ( ´艸`)
I bought three magazines p(^-^)q


I'm loving themラブラブ!
I found an article about the 9th Anniversary year LIVE TOUR of Loop Ash (^ε^)♪
The picture of hixroさん and ケイタさんラブラブ
It looks so sweet (‐^▽^‐)
There is also a special about UnderCode Production!! ニコニコ
ああ!! By the way....
yesterday was the birthday of
りゅうとさん (^O^)
One article is about 'Drop Star Shooting' o(;△;)oドキドキラブラブ!
And two pages were about VanessAラブラブ
They'll have their first OneMan live at the 6th of march (*^▽^*)
I hope they'll make it 音譜

When ゆかちゃん and me came back to ブレーメン we bought us some 'Strawberryjuice with vodka' いちご得意げ

It was very tasty, wasn't it?! ( ´艸`)

Tomorrow 有村竜太朗さん と 長谷川正さん will be at Mao's room ラブラブ
But I couldn't see it live because of the time difference between japan and germany しょぼん

Now I have to go to bed Zzz…(*´?`*)。o○

おやすみ (^з^)-☆Chu!!

じゃ~ ★モチ★ °(^ω^v)

Oh by the way...
Today I finished my drawing of 麗さん....
but I don't like it that much I liked the drawing of 大佑さん that I had draw for 咲ちゃん (_ _。)
I think I'll try to draw マコさん or りゅうとさん the next time...(^_^)v