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$PDF$/READ/  Panic Years | Renowned journalist Nell Frizzell explores what happens when a woman begins to ask herself: should I have a baby?We have descriptors for many periods of life&#8213adolescence, menopause, mid-life crisis, quarter-life crisis&#8213but there is a period of profound change that many women face, often in their late twenties to early forties, that does not yet have a name.Nell Frizzell is calling this period of flux &#8220the panic years,&#8221 and it is often characterized by a preoccupation with one major question: should I have a baby? And from there&#8213do I want a baby? With whom should I have a baby? How will I know when I&#8217m ready? Decisions made during this period suddenly take on more weight, as questions of love, career, friendship, fertility, and family clash together while peers begin the process of coupling and breeding. But this very important process is rarely written or talked about beyond the clich&#233s of the &#8220ticking clock.&#8221Enter Frizzell, our comforting 