Many traditionally taught lomilomi practitioners find it virtually impossible to offer authentic lomilomi in a spa setting and are unwilling to work in most spas or massage offices. They prefer to treat selected clients quietly and privately, often in home settings. Lomilomi practitioners may also ask their clients to pray, meditate, change their diets, or take other action as part of their health improvement process.[11]

Among some practitioners, music is provided and can be used to choreograph the flow of lomilomi, especially when sounds of surf are in the soundtrack. [12]

Unlike traditional lomilomi kupuna (elder) recognized by the Hawaiian community who require students to study with them for years, some massage schools around the world purport to train therapists in lomilomi in a few hours and some massage therapists may incorporate techniques from other massage modalities during the session. While often pleasant, this style of massage which is now a common and popular massage modality throughout the world, especially in Hawaii, Japan, Europe and Australia, is very different from authentic lomilomi.[13]


一部の開業医の間では、音楽が提供されており、特にサーフィンの音がサウンドトラックにある場合に、ロミロミの流れを振り分けるために使用できます。 [12]