I recently subscribe to WOW hoping to just do so | mmohotのブログ



I recently subscribe to WOW hoping to just do some mindless random BGs. I've always thought it was fun for what it is.i played wow 5 years,it was very funny 5 years ago.

but i heard that there are too many bots in world of warcraft now.they broke the game balance,i dont love the bot,i just tried world of warcraft.unlucky i met some hackers.i report them.

One or two of the battlegrounds are just broken by the hack. there are one bot that have to break the enemy's keep and kill all the enemy.and the bot need leashing and resetting it.

Usually though it just leaves one or two people trying hard to win while the bots run around doing nothing worthwhile.

It can be very frustrating.

The problem is not as bad at max level as it is leveling up. But it still kills what little fun BG pvp is for me at least. Nobody wants to try their hardest just to carry a bunch of people who aren't even at their computer to victory.

my recommend is dont use bot to farm wow gold,just spend some money from china farmers. if you try to become powerful in world of warcraft,you need get some good wow items from marketplace.playermall is the best world of warcraft marketplace.if you dont buy it,you can not play the mmorpg game well.you should try it.