


 小さい頃、78歳ぐらいのとき、いつもテレビでアニメを見ていた。 基本的に日本で人気ある、

有名なアニメはすべてドイツのテレビでも放映された。 ポキトTVという、アニメだけの、毎日やってる番組もあった! その時、学校を午後1時に終わり、好きなアニメ「デジモン」は115分に始まったので、間に合うように走らなければならなかったので、学校終わっていつもめっちゃ急いで、走ってたのを覚えている🤣 「デジモン」本当に毎日見てた、好きすぎて。その後「名探偵コナン」をやっていてそれもけっこう好きだったから見てた。ちょっと怖かったけど😂

当時、まだ7歳だったので、アニメが日本のものだとはあまり理解していなかったと思いますが、しばらくして分かってから、日本についてもっと研究し、本当に興味を持った。 それから、14歳の頃、日本の音楽とファッションに興味を持っていた友達にYouTubeで日本のアーティストとかファッションとかアニメなどについての動画をいくつか見せてくれた。 それでもっと日本に興味をもって絶対日本に行くと思っていた。バイトを初めて、めっちゃ頑張ってお金貯めて飛行機とホテルを予約した!


初めての海外旅行! 初飛行!























Hey guys :) 

Like I said in my last post I wanted to talk more about the reasons I came to japan and what I have been doing here till now ! 

When I was little, maybe 7 to 8 years old, I always watched anime on TV. basically all the famous and popular anime of japan also aired on German TV. there was even a program called pokito TV that showed anime only all afternoon long ! 

I remember running home from school only that I wouldn’t be too late for Digimon 😂 because school finished at one pm and digimon started at quarter past one so I had to run to make it in time !  I watched every episode of it. 

After that they aired detective Conan which i also really liked and watched every day.

At that time, since I was only 7 years old,

 I think i didn’t really understand that anime was something from Japan but after some time when I understood, I researched more about japan and got really interested. Then, when I was around 14 years old, one of my good friends at that time was into Japanese music and fashion so she showed me some Japanese artists on YouTube and that’s when I really got into japan and was sure I will go there one day! 

I started working to save money and then finally when I was 16 years old I had enough money and booked my flight and hotel

I was so excited. 

First abroad trip! First flight!... alone ! 

Yes, I went alone. With only 16 years😂🥺 

For me it was normal but all my friends where like ‚wow, that’s crazy‘. 

But it was good timing because my german friend was already in japan for holidays at that time so there was someone I knew in Japan that I could meet. 

After that I went to visit two more times, each two weeks and really enjoyed it so I decided that I wanna stay longer than only two weeks and try to live in Tokyo!

But even as a little child I always had the urge to live abroad one day.

it just happened to be Japan. 

Now I’m here about four years already and still love it so I think I will stay many years more :)! Well, Long story short 

The main reason I became interested in japan was anime, Japanese music, movies and fashion!

How I got to live in japan and what I’ve been doing here all the years I’ll tell you in my next blog post, otherwise this one will get too big.

By the way now I’m on my way to Nagano, writing this blog post in the bus.

I’ll spend New Year’s Eve with my friends at their grandparents home. 

She said there’s nothing to do tho, only nature, which is good in my eyes after so many years of big city life in Tokyo 🥺👌

See you in my next post !