The Holy Grail, the chalice used by Jesus | mmfjtoのブログ  ~なぜなら ぼくは、どうしようもないくらい汚れ腐ってますから~

The Holy Grail, the chalice used by Jesus


Depictions of the Instruments of the Passion may include many combinations of those following (though the cross of Jesus is almost always represented). A primary group of the most frequently used instruments can be distinguished:

The Cross on which Jesus was crucified (True Cross), either depicted alone or with the crosses of the two thieves
The Crown of Thorns
The pillar or column where Jesus was whipped in the Flagellation of Christ
The whip(s), in Germany often birches, used for the 39 lashes
The Holy Sponge set on a reed, with which gall and vinegar were offered to Jesus
The Holy Lance with which a Roman soldier inflicted the final of the Five Wounds in his side
The Nails, inflicting four wounds on the hands and feet
The Veil of Veronica
Other common ones are:

The reed which was placed in Jesus' hand as a sceptre in mockery
The purple robe of mockery
The Titulus Crucis, attached to the Cross. It may be inscribed in Latin (INRI, Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum), Greek, Hebrew, or some other language.
The Holy Grail, the chalice used by Jesus at The Last Supper, and which some traditions say Joseph of Arimathea used to catch his blood at the crucifixion
The Seamless robe of Jesus
The dice with which the soldiers cast lots for Christ's seamless robe
The rooster (cock) that crowed after Peter's third denial of Jesus
The vessel used to hold the gall and vinegar
The ladder used for the Deposition, i.e. the removal of Christ's body from the cross for burial
The hammer used to drive the nails into Jesus' hands and feet
The pincers used to remove the nails
The vessel of myrrh, used to anoint the body of Jesus, either by Joseph of Arimathea or by the Myrrhbearers
The shroud used to wrap the body of Jesus before burial
The sun and moon, representing the eclipse which occurred during the Passion
Thirty pieces of silver (or a money bag), the price of Judas' betrayal
A spitting face, indicating the mockery of Jesus
The hand which slapped Jesus' face
The chains or cords which bound Jesus overnight in prison
The lantern or torches used by the arresting soldiers at the time of the betrayal, as well as their swords and staves
The sword used by Peter to cut off the ear of the High Priest's servant. Sometimes a human ear is also represented.
Sometimes the heads or hands of figures from the Passion are shown, including Judas, Caiaphas, or the man who mocked Christ spitting in Christ's face. The washing hands of Pontius Pilate may be shown. The Lorenzo Monaco painting below has several such images.
The trumpet played for mocking Christ on the Way to Calvary.[6]

Chalice - Wikipedia

Holy Grail - Wikipedia