英語になると、、、① | 人生賭けた学習塾「松塾」【第15期】


New YorkerのElizabethは、季節によって日照時間の長さが異なることに興味を持ち、同じNew YorkerのWilliamを誘って、その理由を考えることにした。以下の各図は、二人が理由を考える際に参考にしたものである。以下の対話と図につき、問いに答えなさい。なお、二人の対話は、彼らの母国語で書かれている。

I’m going home. What's up?

Give me a break! It's still blight., huhn?

Will: The days has been growing longer. It's simple. It's already seven p.m.  I must go home to watch TV.

Beth: This is it! Why do the days grow longer in summer?

Will: Are you alright, huhn?  It's quite natural!

Beth: Why do you always say everything definitively? There must be a reason!

Will: What about it?

Beth:  Interesting! Also,  I have some clues to solve the question. Why don't you want to know?

Will: No.  I'll go home.  I'll watch Sesame Street at home.

Beth: Out of style! How old are you, huhn? Anyway, let's study together. Today, New Yorkers need knowledges.

Will:  I'm not interested in such a thing.

Beth: However...