When the last line has been cast
and you're left all alone..
You wonder..
Why did I marry a sailor?

When it's the 27th of the month
and you've only 84 cents..
You wonder...
Why did I marry a sailor?

When the car won't start
and the nice man says "only $65"..
You wonder...
Why did I marry a sailor?

When the washer won't wash,
the dryer won't dry
and the vacuum won't vac
all in one day..
You wonder...
Why did I marry a sailor?

You stop and count and find
in 16 years you've spent
half the time alone..
You wonder...
Why did I marry a sailor?

It's Christmas morning
with all the shining faces
and you're hoping
the bikes hold together..
You wonder...
Why did I marry a sailor?

For days on end you wait
and all the mailman brings is "occupant"..
You wonder...
Why did I marry a sailor?

The one morning you find
all the lines are crossed out..
it's time...
for your Sailor to come home.

While you watch them pull in,
the lump in your throat grows..
You know why...
you married a sailor.

You remember all the other homecomings,
the look in his eyes when he sees you,
the gentleness as he hugs each child....
You know why you married a sailor.

The feel of his hand on your arm
and the way he says..
"Hey Baby , you look great."
You know why you married a sailor.

You wake up in the night
to a strange sound,
it's him breathing...
You know why you married a sailor.

You snuggle down,
his arms hold you close...
And you know why
you married your Sailor.



