私たちの5本指の意味 | ・


Hope you are having a wonderful New Year's Eve!







Foe some reasons, I would like to show you the meanings of our each fingers by Mudra & Jin-shin-jyutsu study.






















Worry: The thumb.

Additional benefits: for depression, hate, obsession, anxiety, self-protection, to revitalize physical fatigue, for the back of the head, breathing, and digestive discomforts. Mary Burmeister recommended holding the thumb at the first sign of a headache.

The thumb is not governed by a planet but because it is rooted between both Venus and Mars it rules your ego self, will and logic.


Fear: The index finger.

Additional benefits: for timidity, mental confusion, depression, perfectionism, criticism, frustration, digestive issues, elimination, wrist/elbow/upper arm discomforts. Mary Burmeister recommended holding the index finger at the first sign of a backache.

The index finger is ruled by Jupiter, planet of expansion and opportunity.


Anger: The middle finger.

Additional benefits: for feeling cowardly, irritable, indecisive, unstable, not alert, overly emotional, general fatigue, eye issues, forehead discomforts.

The middle finger is governed by Saturn, often refered to as the great teacher of the Zodiac.


Sadness/Grief: The ring finger.

Additional benefits: for negative feelings, common sense, excess mucus, breathing, ear discomforts.

The ring finger represents the Sun. The sun is how you are seen and what is shown. It is linked to your authentic self.

Trying To/Pretense (cover-up): The little finger.

Additional benefits: for “crying on the inside and laughing on the outside” (that’s what’s meant by “trying to/pretense”), feeling insecure, nervous, confused, issues of “why am I here,” calms nerves, aids bloating. Mary Burmeister recommended holding the little finger at the first sign of a sore throat.

The little finger is ruled by Merucry, the planet of communicaion, ideas and thought.