You don't have control of life | It's all about Miy!

You don't have control of life

This year, I've been learning a lot of things. But, of the worst way to learn.
I'm Miy, a seventeen-year-old girl. I am smart, clever. I have a very logical mind and I was remarkable in the school. I had plans to finish school and go to the university, being successful in my career, and the most important, being independent.
But this year, my "last" in the school, has failed.
November, 2012 - I felt very bad in the school, a lot of things that I can't explain and that I don't wish neither for my worst enemies.
I had amazing grades, so I stoped going to school, it was the end of the year. I was already passed. But what I didn't know, it was that this episode would repeat once, twice and a lot.
I went to all the doctors of the city, and nothing. They said I was ok. I did all the exams my parents could pay, and nothing. I was loosing the year, my grades were terrible and I couldn't go to the school. I used to feel bad all the days, it was a suffering. I stopped working, I stopped going out, I stopped living. And the worst part, that make me suffers everytime I think about it, I lost this year. I don't know if I am able to go back again.

I only wish my life back, I pray every day, every night.
Now, I go to a psychologist who helps me a lot, she is an incredible professional. ( Like the doctors didn't find anything wrong with me, they believe my problem could be psycological).

I am trying to go back to my activities, but it is hard, very hard. And I need to hear people saying that I don't have nothing, I am only LAZY. Do you believe that? They know nothing.
I used to ask myself, why me? I don't deserve that. And I don't really deserve. But happened. You don't have control of life. You can be like me, someone who cares about others, who give the best in your studies to have a good future, and maybe, be recognized. Then life comes, and make you sick. Sick of body and soul. A pill is not enough, like in a flu. You need to change the way you think. You don't have control of life. So don't forget the present because you are making plans to the future. Time is amazing, so, live now. Of course you want to plan the future, but never forget the present. Enjoy the now.

(Sorry, for mistakes)