みんなの呼ぶ声が聞こえます。私は目が覚めました。みんなが心配している。私は起き上がって。(あれ、私、何で寝ちゃったんだろう? 早くシャトルを取らないと!
でも待って、さっき拾ったはずの木の実が無い!) 私は何だか分からないけど、用心しなければ、と思いました。そこで、下で待っているみんなに声をかけました。
いっせいに、「わかったー!」と声がして、私が、二股になっている幹から、体を出して、下に手を伸ばすと、柵をしっかりと掴んだ カズが、けーたを肩車していて、けいたがラケットを差し出している。それでもラケットが届かない。すると、あきほちゃんが、「私が登るわ!組体操はいっつも1番上だから大丈夫!」あきほちゃんは、けいたの肩まで登って、けいたが、あきほちゃんの足首をしっかりと掴んで、あきほちゃんが、すくっと立って、ラケットを差し出しました!…届いた!
下まで降りた私は、また木に向かって手を合わせて、「木の神様!シャトルを取らせて頂いて、本当にありがとうございます!」そう言って、お辞儀をしたら、今度はソックスを履いて、シューズを履き、柵を登って向こう側へ出ました。その時、丁度下校時間のチャイムが鳴り始めました。 私達は、急いでネットを畳んで、体育館倉庫に道具を戻して、体育館を後にしました。  続く。

"The Dream of the Bell Tree" Episode 16
The door to the gymnasium was closed. I was worried, but I got closer and closer to it and passed through it.
As soon as I did, I could hear the sounds from inside the gym. The sound of the basketball club's shoes scraping against the floor, the ball bouncing, the shouts, and even their breathing. I walked straight through it, toward the tree. Under the tree, the badminton club members were looking up worriedly. They were all calling out my name. I slipped through the tree's branches and leaves and entered. There, in the center of the six trunks, I was sleeping curled up like a cat. The white line was connected to me after all. When I approached myself...
"Risa-chan!" "Hey! Risa!"
"Risa! Are you okay!?"
I could hear everyone calling out to me. I woke up. Everyone was worried. I got up. (Huh, why did I fall asleep? I have to hurry up and get the shuttlecock!
But wait, the nuts I picked up earlier are gone!) I don't know what's going on, but I have to be careful. So I called out to the others waiting below.
"Please! Let's get my racket!"
We all shouted out in unison, and I pushed myself out of the forked trunk and reached down, where I found Kazu, who was holding on to the fence tightly, carrying Keita on his shoulders and holding out his racket. Still, I couldn't reach the racket. Then Akiho said, "I'll climb! I'm always at the top in group gymnastics, so it'll be fine!" Akiho climbed up to Keita's shoulders, and Keita grabbed Akiho's ankles tightly, and Akiho stood up and held out her racket! ...It reached!
I took the racket and used it to knock the shuttlecock down. Then, I called out to the people below as I dropped my racket and slowly climbed down from the tree.

When I got to the bottom, I put my hands together again and bowed to the tree, saying, "Tree God! Thank you so much for letting me get the shuttlecock!" Then I put on socks and shoes and climbed the fence to the other side. Just then, the bell rang to tell us it was time to go home. We quickly folded up the net, returned our equipment to the gym storeroom, and left the gym. To be continued.