"The Dream of the Bell Tree" Episode 14.11 Long but important‼️🤗

Me (in 5th grade?): "Thank you. It's okay. This is something we decided together."

Yu-kun and me writing: "What!?"

Me (in 5th grade?): "Don't tell that to me (in 2nd grade) yet. You will overcome many trials and grow from now on. I will finish my spiritual training before the Age of Wind comes. Then I will blow up the stage.

That is the life I have set for myself. And I have a mission.

But that's not all. I wanted to know. The beauty of a compassionate heart. The beautiful things that humans can have. The heartfelt gratitude. The desire to protect. This thing called love. Thank you.

Yu-kun is also a soul born in the Age of Wind with an important mission. Anyway, go back there once, remember your mission, and start over.

And then, Yu. You. You.
It's you. You who are reading this story right now.
You too were born into this Age of Wind with a mission.
You are interested in creative things, right?
If so, there's a good chance you're a starseed, like me.
Everyone is born lacking something. Why is that?
To make mistakes.
To know negative emotions. By fully experiencing those emotions, we can move forward and get closer to our goals.
This world is like a game of life, where we live in order to know various negative emotions from our past lives.
Those who want to get up quickly are born with a pretty difficult life in mind. Once they overcome a difficult life, the stage will explode.
That's right. We are all incredible souls.
And while people have some lacking things, they also have outstanding parts.
Things they like. Things they're good at. Hobbies Do those things. It's a good idea to do so. This is an age where individuality thrives. By spreading that out into the world, it can lead to abundance. This is the Age of Air. It's an age where wishes are easily fulfilled!!

And in that way, give inspiration and healing to people all over the world! This collective consciousness will support the Earth's dimensional ascension.

When you can inspire and heal people's hearts, you will find joy in that. You will feel glad that you did it. You will feel glad to be alive! This world is wonderful! That is what your soul has been hoping for. This is life!

If you haven't realized it yet, we need your help! Awaken! And take action! Please!!!

If you don't understand, it's good to listen to the advice of pioneers who do tarot (and oracle) card readings. Video streaming is also good. Dimensions are connected. I have experienced that! Receive a message from your guardian!

So, are you all ready? Let's each move forward towards our own futures!
Come on! Smile!"

Say! Cheese!! Everyone smiles.

A flash goes off and the surroundings go completely white.
To be continued.

「鈴かけの木の夢」14.11話 長いけど大事‼️🤗

(小5?の)私 「ありがとう。大丈夫よ。これは私達で決めてきた事なの。」


(小5?の)私 「まだ、あの(小2の)私には伝えないでいて。 これから沢山の試練を乗り越えて成長して行くんだから。風の時代が来るまでに、魂の修行を終わらせるわ。そして、ステージを爆上げする。
 でも、それだけじゃない。知りたかったのよ。 思いやる心の美しさを。 人間が抱ける美しいもの。心からの感謝の気持ちを。守りたいと思う気持ちを。愛と言うものを。ありがとう。


それから、ゆう。 You. あなた。
あなたよ。 今この話を読んでいるあなた。
あなたも、この風の時代に、使命を持って生まれて来ている。 クリエイティブ系に関心のある人でしょう? だったら、私と同じ、スターシードの可能性が高いわ。
 人はみんな、どこか欠けて生まれて来る。それは何故か? 失敗をする為よ。
 早く上がりたい者は、結構大変な人生を設定して生まれて来る。辛い人生を乗り越えた先には、ステージが爆上がりするからね。 そう。みんなすごい魂なんだよ。


好きな事。得意な事。趣味にしている事。それらをするといいわ。 個性が生きる時代よ。 世の中に、それを発信して行く事で、豊かさにも繋がったりする。 それが風の時代。 願いが、叶いやすい時代!!

そうして、世界中の人々に、感動や、癒しを与えて! その集合意識が、地球の次元上昇をサポートするの。

人の心に感動を与えられる時、癒しを与えられる時。その事があなた自身の喜びになる。 やって良かった。生きてて良かった!この世界は素晴らしい!そう思う時が来るの。 それが、あなたの魂が、望んできた事。これこそが人生!

まだ、気づいてない人。あなたの力が必要なの! 目覚めて! そして、行動して! お願い!!!

動画配信でもいい。 次元は繋がっている。  それを私は、体験した!

さあ!   笑って!」
はい!チーズ!!  みんなが笑顔になった。
