"The Dream of the Bell Tree" Episode 14.8
Around the summer of his second year of elementary school. Yu passed away.
He was hospitalized for most of the third term of his first year, and came to school once in his second year, but soon stopped coming again and passed away in the hospital.
I remembered that one time he came.

Everyone was happy to see Yu after a long time and gathered around to talk.
 He had had surgery on his head, so the area was a little swollen. A boy asked Yu if he could touch it. Yu said it was fine and let him touch it. Then the other kids wanted to touch it too, so two or so of them touched it in turn, and then it was my turn.
 I felt like I shouldn't touch it, but I also had a bit of a desire to touch Yu, so I reached out my hand.
 Then suddenly, Yu let out some kind of high-pitched, strange cry and shook off my hand.
 Everyone was surprised and looked at Yu. Yu was sitting facing forward and not moving. Everyone gave up touching him and returned to their seats.
I was shocked and sat in my seat, rubbing my hands, thinking.
Why? Did he not want me to touch him? Was I the only one who thought we were close? Did I do something to make him dislike me?
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
I just don't know...
I felt uneasy ever since I got home. I must have been lacking in consideration in some way.
I would apologize tomorrow, no matter what.
But Yuu never came to school again.
The day of the funeral. The sunlight made everything blindingly white.
We, his classmates, lined up in a row to place a flower on Yuu's coffin where he lay sleeping.
As I placed the flower, I bent down a little and whispered, "I'm sorry," close to his face.
  Every time I see the blue sky and scaly clouds I remember your smile.
  Every time I see the blue sky and scaly clouds my heart aches.
  To be continued.


 みんな びっくりして、ゆう君を見た。ゆう君は前を向いて座ったまま動かない。みんなは、触るのを諦めて、それぞれの席に戻っていった。
 どうして? 私には触られたく無かった? 仲が良いと思ってたのは、私だけ? 私、何か嫌われるような事した?
 明日 とにかく、謝ろう。