"The Dream of the Bell Tree" Episode 14.6
We are all together in the living room. We are looking at family photos. This is a photo of me as a baby. It says I was one month old. I wonder why there are no photos from before that... My brother has one from when he was born.
"What about mine?" I ask. My brother laughs, "You don't have one because we found you under a bridge."
My mother explains in a panic.
"I had severe jaundice when I was born. I was hospitalized at Christ Hospital in Osaka for a month, so we couldn't take any photos." Then, to change the subject, she tells me the story of when my grandpa came to see me. I didn't know if that was true, and I started to worry.

This is an explanation of how I started writing "The Dream of the Bell Tree".
Actually, when I had a dream when I was 11 years old, there was a complete gap between chapters 14 and 15. I didn't think about it at the time, but when I tried to write it as an adult, I realized that this part was not clear.
However, since the beginning of this year, I have felt the urge to write, and by chance, I saw a video broadcast of a tarot card reading, which said, "If there is something you want to do, it doesn't have to be perfect, just start!" I followed that message and started writing. At the same time, I was challenging myself to finish writing between the new moon and the full moon. I thought that if I wrote thinking about the missing parts, I wouldn't be able to finish by the full moon, so I omitted those parts and somehow managed to finish.
However, since there was no middle part, it felt incomplete... I felt that way, but when the new moon came again, I felt motivated again, but I didn't know what to write. So I watched a tarot card reading again. "Visit a shrine, meditate, ground yourself, and connect with the universe and the earth. Then you will receive hints and messages about what you want to do, and inspiration will come to you." I was told. First, I prayed to the gods at the shrine, gave up thinking, and just relaxed, and the rest of the story came out smoothly.
Next, I received the message, "Face yourself. Look inward!" This is something I have avoided until now. I think I am forgetful and a useless person, so I really hated looking back on my broken life. But I have written this much and everyone is reading it, and I don't want to give up halfway through. I accepted it and faced myself. As a result, I received something very important. This is one of my roles. I will write more. For you. For peace on this beautiful earth.

Born on July 4th. From Miwa Yama.

居間でみんなでいる。 家族写真を見ている。私の赤ちゃんの時の写真。生後1ヶ月とある。それより前の写真が無いのは何故だろう…。お兄ちゃんのは生まれた時のがあるのに。
「私のは?」 聞いてみる。兄「お前は橋の下で拾ってきたから無いんだよ。」
「生まれた時に黄疸(おうだん)がひどくてねえ。1ヶ月も大阪のキリスト病院に入院してたから、写真をとれなかったんよ。」 そして、話を逸らすように、おじいちゃんが、私を見に来た時の話をした。私は、それが本当の事なのか、分からなくて、心配になった。

次に、「自分に向き合え。内観をして!」と言うメッセージが。私は、この事は今まで避けてきた事でした。自分は忘れっぽくて、ダメな人間だと思っているので、そんなポンコツ人生を振り返るのは、とっても嫌だったのです。でも、もう、ここまでお話しを書いて、みなさんに読んで貰っているのに、途中で、放り出したく無い。観念して、自分に向き合いました。結果。とても大事な事を受け取りました。 私の役目の一つはこれなのだと。 続きを書きます。あなたの為に。
7月4日に生まれて。 美和やまより。