"The Dream of the Bell Tree" Episode 14.4

Going back in time. First grade. Three-way meeting. Mr. Nakamura praised me highly, saying that the picture I drew was as sensitive and good as a sixth grader's. My mother was also very happy, and I was very happy about that.
November. I came back from the Shichigosan festival.
I was already feeling sleepy, but I wanted to eat some Chitose-ame, so I broke off a long piece of candy on my mother's bed and stuffed it into my mouth. Sweet... Delicious...
I fell asleep right there...!!! When I woke up, the candy had gotten tangled in my hair and was sticky and very gross.
I went to tell my mother about it, and she got really angry.
The bath had no shower. I tried to remove it with a bucket of hot water, but it was difficult to get it off.
In the end, my hair was cut off with a pair of large dressmaking scissors. In front of the mirror. I stroked my chubby cheeks...
The next day. "Kokeshi doll! Mushroom!" The boys at school teased me about my hairstyle.

I sat down in a sulky mood. You, who was sitting by the window, kept looking my way.

Me: "What's up?"

You: "No... I was just wondering if something happened..."

Me: "Nothing!" Sulking, I rested my chin on the desk.

You scratched his head and looked out the window, his profile showing a slight smile.

I looked curiously back and forth between his face and the blue sky with scaly clouds.
I felt like I had seen this somewhere before.
To be continued.







私「何もないわ!」 ふてくされて、机にほおづえをつく私。

頭をかきながら、窓の外に目をやるゆう君の横顔が、少し微笑んでいる。 私は不思議そうに、その顔と、ウロコ雲付きの青い空を交互に見ている。
