"The Dream of the Bell Tree" Episode 14.3 "Recollection" (4th grade)
Craft time. Using milk cartons, we are making a playground equipment that rolls marbles.
When I touch the cellophane tape, I get goosebumps and feel sick, so I can't make any progress on the craft.
(3rd grade)
I'm in the same room as my older brother. There are a lot of stickers stuck on the side of my brother's desk. Every time I see it, I feel sick.
(2nd grade)
I'm in the living room with my family. My mother is talking about me. "Why do you think grandpa said to me when I was born? 'You have great eyebrows.'
He said! Didn't he have anything else to praise me for?" Everyone is laughing. I get angry and get up to go to the bathroom. I wipe my hands and look at my face in the bathroom mirror, wiping away my tears. I look at the entrance and it's bright outside. I open the door and go out. There is something shiny on the ground. I squat down and pick it up.
It's a marble. I pick it up with my fingers and hold it up to the sunlight. "Beautiful... The sun, the sun. I want to shine like this too... The sun quietly pours down its warm light. To be continued.
「鈴かけの木の夢」 14.3話
だって!他に褒めるとこ無かったんか!」 みんなが笑っている。私は怒ってトイレに立つ。手をふきながら洗面所の鏡に映った自分の顔を見て、涙も拭った。玄関を見ると、外が明るい。私は戸を開けて出てみた。地面に何か光る物がある。しゃがんで手に取ってみる。
ビー玉だ。指でつまんで、太陽の光にかざしてみる。「きれい…。お日様、お日様。私もこんな風に、キラキラ輝きたいな…。太陽は、静かに暖かい光を降り注いでいる。         続く。