"The Dream of the Bell Tree" Episode 5
When I came to, I found myself standing in the hallway of the school building for some reason. In my right hand, I was holding the fruit of the bell tree that I had picked up earlier, and in my left hand, for some reason, I was holding a branch and leaf of the bell tree. I wonder if I grabbed it and broke it when it fell? I looked around, thinking that it was strange, and found something even stranger. The classroom door was locked and wouldn't open. The emergency door behind me was closed and I couldn't get through. And the most strange thing was that about two-thirds of the outside of the window was filled with soil. What was this? The sky visible through the gap was dyed red by the sunset, and it was a rather eerie sight. I had no choice but to walk forward down the hallway. One of the window panes was broken along the way. I walked through it to the end of the hallway, and guess what! There was a big hole in the wall at the end. Inside, I could see rugged rocks and the path continued like a cave. I didn't want to walk through a place like this... "But there was no other way, so I had no choice but to go into the hole. To be continued.

「鈴かけの木の夢」  第5話
気がつくと、なぜか私は、学校の校舎の廊下に立っていました。右手には、さっき拾った鈴かけの木の実が、左手には、なぜか鈴かけの枝葉が握られています。倒れる時に掴んで折ってしまったのかしら?不思議だなぁと、思いながら周りを見渡すと、更に不思議な事がありました。教室のドアには鍵がかかっていて、開きません。後ろは非常扉が閉まっていて通れません。そして1番不思議なのは、窓の外が3分の2位、土で埋まっている事です。これはどうした事でしょう?隙間から見える空は夕焼けで赤く染まっていて、なんだか不気味な光景です。私は仕方なく、廊下を前に向かって歩いて行きました。途中の窓ガラスが1枚割れています。そこを通って廊下の端まで歩いて行くと、なんという事でしょう!?大きな穴が突き当たりの壁に開いています。中はゴツゴツとした岩が見え洞穴のように道が続いています。こんな所を通るのは嫌だなぁ…。 と思ったけれども、他に道がないので、仕方なくその穴に入って行きました。      続く。