Post September 11 2001, more and more bills which are several thousand pages long are passing through the USA Congress.
The monstrous bills contain pork barrel projects, add-ons, earmarks, and misappropriations which are stealthily hidden in the multi-thousands paged bills. These add-ons oftentimes contain highly consequential legal alterations, and some are tantamount to laws themselves.

The add-ons are inserted by the architects of a particular bill, as the bill has no chance of passing through Congress without the earmarks and add-ons present in the particular bill. 
These earmarks are inserted into the bills by USA congress-people at the behest of corrupted third-parties that wish to control the USA by stealth.

The reality is that the USA is not a Democracy nor is it a Constitutional Republic. It is a legislative dummy whose political and legal structure is easily penetrated and controlled, through earmarks, by unelected members of third party groups. 
I agree with the statement that the USA commits awful human rights violations. This being the case because Congress does not read the entirety of the bills that it signs into law. These bills, especially the national security, infrastructure, and national budget ones are loaded with treasonous pork barrel, earmark, and misappropriations that finance, enable, and authorize criminal thuggery at the local, state, and federal levels.

The thuggery that I speak of is called gangstalking. It has bypassed the constitutions of every state, and has nullified the American Constitution. It exists because of no-bid contracts, pork-barrel projects, earmarks, misappropriations and other garbage that has rendered the USA nothing more than a giant mass of land with duped subjects living thereon.

At this rate, open-air stabbings, drive-by shootings, embezzlement, robbery, child molestation, and the sale of fentanyl will all be legalized because you can literally legal anything under the sun, even gangstalking, through the earmarks mechanism.

Gangstalking has roots in mechanisms used by Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and various Jim Crow USA era domestic terrorist groups. Even sympathizers with the above must see the truth.