Like the fighter jets in this image, Gangstalking is a state-funded weapon. 

Artificial Intelligence Algorithm, TYLER, Global Neural Network, Frequency Control Network, DWAVE Quantum Computing, 5G, DNA Biometric Data Collection, Biocoded Resonant Frequencies, Biorhythm Hacking, DARPA N3 Nanotechnology, Graphene Oxide, Smart Dust, Ultra LowyquenF, Ultra LowyquenF VLF Frequencies, Scalar Wave Amplification Process, Audio Frequency Ultrasonic Weapons, Psychoactive Weapons, Secret Weapons, Pulse Modulated Scalar Wave Lasers, VIRCATOR, Gyrotron, Raytheon Raven Claw, DEMPG Mo-Network Dual Electromagnetic Network, Direct Electromagnetic Waves DEMPG Deception MEDS, Surveillance RNM remote neuron, RNL remote neuron communication, EEG simulation, EEG desynchronization, electronic brain communication, brain-computer interface, brain-brain interface, brain mapping, mind uploading, TAMI thought enhancement interface, total simulation WBE Brain, Electronically - Spin Resonance ESR, Sp Duck Telemetry Satellites and TT&C Command, Blac k Sat Elites, Internet of Things, Neural Data Analysis, Carnivore, Echelon, Hurricane, Stingray, Satellite Constellation, Thunderbolt, Mudbox, Pogo Project, Zephyr Project, m Embracing the Smart World, Social Automation Systems, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Synthetic Telepathy SIGINT, Intelligence Signals, Radiation Intelligence, Secret Police, Advanced Surveillance Systems, Surveillance Role Actors, US Department of Defense Special Operations, Touchless Torture, Beast System, Digital Currency, Social Credit System, Torture Destruction Program, Hive Mind Technology, Crowd