first concert at Mana DC. 『Lalafell Concert』 | MISCOMMUNICATIONのブログ


lifestyle, travel and cosplay :)

long time no blog. _(:3 」∠)_

yup, i’m still playing FFXIV &

yes, it’s lalafell concert again.

on 5 July, it was the released patch 6.18

which is DC (Data Center) traveling.

i have always thought that

Mana & Gaia DC at NA & EU’s data center

after the patch release, 

it was again the lalafell concert (੭ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭✧

had so much fun.

i even saw Tataru XDD

(she need some entertainment too)

i am so shocked that 

the people who came almost

cover the whole place

& only see half of the dancers & musicians

after the performance, 

we took photos

feat. my Ifrit minion
