How cute it'd be to fly | mishuyixaymeのブログ



I received or rather I heard some facts that startled me, it made me realize how centered I was in me, I felt really ashamed of myself, I really thought that I had advanced a lot and that I no longer thought so much about my own things, but what a fool even if I try not to be selfish it seems that it wins me every day, I try to improve and every day I fail...



although I don't give up, I know I don't have the right to decide it. In spite of everything I think I have improved even a little. On the first week was the climb to the hill of the confirmands (those who aspire to receive the sacrament of confirmation) of my sister Lucia, is a test that leaves you exhausted, are many hours of walking and support your friends, almost always we need the support of other people




Like the Marian group I attend and the choir group, I also need a company on my way, although I get along well and try to be friendly, I still can't get to be friends, I guess that takes time, on Wednesday 6, I had the tea of ladies with the brotherhood of the Lord of miracles, was quite good although not many people came, my friend Jenny couldn't come either, she was very tired after her guard in the hospital...



so it was inevitable, also being sincere there was no young person, they were all of my mom's age and even older, so no on can blame the young people for not wanting to go...the music was all from their golden years...ah...but I had to support, although after having attended to everyone, returning home had already exhausted all my good humor...


It's something I'm still working on, but it still costs me a lot.

On Sunday 10, I had the procession of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, it was very beautiful, although things were not perfect, there were some mishaps, and then I felt bad again, so I went to hear Mass in Guadelupe, and again I was comforted, 




I know that I probably don't deserve it but the words of light save me every day, and so it came this week with some unforeseen events, I was really feeling the worst, but Lucia encouraged me saying that things that I can do and others that don't, that I should not try to do what I don't do well, just as the arm and leg have different functions, but both help in the same way, each one has its's the same with her and with me, now I hope to do well what I should do...



Monday at the meeting with the legionaries we celebrated Hilary's birthday, although the younger ones are always late, I really appreciate them a lot, I think they remind me when I was at that age...although I was and still am something more serious, I hope to be able to advise them with kindness



y del mismo modo a las personas que aprecio, aunque me sigo sintiendo culpable por no haberme dado cuenta de sus problemas...espero corregirlo en el futuro, to become a good friend, who can be tell anything, at any time, I would like to be like mother Amparo, sé si pueda..uhh anyway




by Lucila - Sue