街中でもよく目にします、スターバックスのこちらのお姉さんも、人魚なのですよ。左右のワサワサとした | Misaruka azami official blog 「鬼婆@スカイウォーカー」Powered by Ameba

Misaruka azami official blog 「鬼婆@スカイウォーカー」Powered by Ameba

Misaruka azami official blog 「鬼婆@スカイウォーカー」Powered by Ameba

ミサルカ azami official blog 「鬼婆@スカイウォーカー」Powered by Ameba





童話『人魚姫』の著者ハンス・クリスチャン・アンデルセンはデンマーク人です、そして私共ミサルカは日本のロックバンドでございますよと。古今東西に半人半魚の生物というのは居もして、人々は浪漫を馳せてきたというわけですなヽ(-公- )ノ

This is a logo mark of the starbucks coffee.
It is a mermaid whose this motif is Siren who has two tails.

Siren is a mysterious thing of fictitious that appears in Greek myths.

We put CD on the market this month.
The title is -Merrow-. -Merrow- is a word that originates in an Irish myth.

Andersen who is the author of The Little Mermaid of the fairy tale is Danish.
And, this fairy tale became the motif of -Merrow-.

Misaruka is visualkei band in Japan.

People have felt Rickie Lee Jones in them,there is a mermaid all over the world.
The sea is wide and connected.
We are connected, too.

(I'm sorry I cannot speak English. It studies with a translation machine.)