In the "Imperial Rhapsody" I wrote the other day, Shohei Otani and "Hekiunso" were connected.

It's an amazing story.

"41st" home run
"295" batting average
"336" "372" "708"
"August 25th"

A perfect match.

And today, another miraculous 46th home run was hit!

Today is also a special day.

It's September 9, Showa99!

99.99%⇒purity of gold❗️

September 9th ⇔ 9 x 9 = 81 ⇔ 369 Numerology board.

46-46 achieved❗️

Here is the proof of the miracle.

Because Shohei Otani's record visualizes "Dai-Miroku-sama" and creates value that will last forever.

Check out the photo above!




Batting average 291⇔'123' in hexadecimal

369 numerology board
123 numerology board
41 is the middle number

46⇔'Re' in Hifumi (123) prayer

46⇔Shiro (white)⇔Shiro Tenjin!

More evidence.

Temperature at Dodgers Stadium '41'°❗️

The sign where the 46th home run hit...


1955⇒The year of the ascension of Dai-Miroku-sama!! ️

'Dai-Miroku-sama' decided everything, including the launch date and landing point of the 46th home run!

(The 1955 symbolizes the fact that they won the World Series that year.)

What Shohei Ohtani is doing now is establishing a great "monument" that will remain forever as a record that visualizes "Dai-Miroku-sama"!

And all of this points to "Dai-Miroku-sama".

This is truly a "monument"‼️

In particular, on August 25th, I experienced the most wonderful moment in the world when I got goosebumps.

What I predicted actually happened exactly as I thought it would...

And without a single error, the numbers matched perfectly...

This was the moment when this blog became a "monument"❗️

It would not be an exaggeration to say that this was the highlight of my life!

To those of you who have seen this divine skill firsthand, I want to say...

Just like Shinjiro Koizumi...

Believe in this blog (Shinjiro)❗️
Believe in Dai-Miroku-sama❗️

……… …

Let me move on.

Naoya Inoue ⇔ Naoya ⇔ 708❗️

Successfully defended as the unified super featherweight champion of four organizations. 23 consecutive wins in world matches❗️

Oda Tokito ⇔ born May 8th ⇔ 128 ⇔ Yamato ❗️

Won gold medal in wheelchair tennis at the Paris Paralympics❗️

Japan won 14 gold medals, more than the 13 they won at the last Tokyo Games. With 10 silver and 17 bronze medals, their total medal count was 41❗️

The fact that the same day as 46-46 was the closing ceremony of the Paris Paralympics meant that it was a coincidence.

The suffering and misery of the disabled and the excitement of the moving Shohei Ohtani were offset by each other to create a win-win situation!

Nomo Hideo ⇒ 123 wins in total in the major leagues❗️

Uniform number 16 ⇔ 295

Ichiro ⇔ Ichi (1) Low (6) ⇔ 16

16 ⇔ 295 ❗️

16 ⇔ 90 ⇔ June 15th ❗️

Jersey number 51

51 in hexadecimal is 81 in decimal


Most points scored in a season by a Japanese major leaguer ⇔ 127 ⇔ 295❗️

Achieved 200 hits for 10 consecutive years❗️

They also pointed to the Great Maitreya and set a great monument.

There are more, but I will skip them here.

The "monument" exists to make the "Great Maitreya" visible, and is a precious record that should be left as a "Miroku World Heritage Site," making it the most valuable of all.

The ultimate answer continues...