In 1950, when the "Dai-Miroku-sama" before his ascension was still called "Meishu-sama," there was a great fire in Atami, famous for the peace treaty.

At around 5:15 pm on April 13th, a worker was filling up a truck with gasoline in the northeastern part of the coastal Nagisa-machi landfill when a cigarette he was smoking (or a match he had lit) ignited.

The fire was fanned by strong winds of over 15 meters from the sea and spread to the surrounding areas, covering the entire area north of the Itokawa River in Nagisa-machi, the entire area of ​​the city center that corresponds to the current Ginza-cho and Chuo-cho, and the western part of Shimizu-cho and Showa-cho, and was extinguished by 12:00 pm.

1,015 buildings, including 47 hot spring inns, the city hall, post office, public hall, police station, fire station, hospital, department store, and homes, were burned down, and 4,817 people from 1,461 households were affected, and 979 people were injured, but fortunately there were no fatalities.

Meishu-sama wrote the Great Maitreya Statue in the spring of 1932. Then, in March 1950, the Dai Miroku Statue was enshrined as a sacred object for the first time at the spring festival at the 567th major church of Odawara Betsuin. At the time, there were three major churches, but Meishu-sama only allowed the statue to be enshrined at one of them, the church of Shibui Sosai. I have heard that it was enshrined for about three months.
In April of the same year, there was a major fire in Atami. The next day, the only thing that remained in the ruins of the temporary headquarters, which had escaped the fire, was a pile of Meishu-sama's portrait that had been published in the inaugural issue (front page) of the Hikari newspaper. Furthermore, a photo of the Dai Miroku Statue from the 53rd issue of the Kyusei newspaper had also mysteriously remained unburned. Upon hearing this, I was an immature believer who had not yet given any deep thought to why such a thing could happen. Common sense tells us that only Meishu-sama's photograph and the "Dai Miroku Statue" would survive the fire.

Another thing

This was not the only miracle that occurred during the Atami fire. The Hikari Shimbun branch office, located right next to the gate of the temporary headquarters, was completely burned, but the next morning, when they were cleaning up the ruins, they found the newspaper standing tall in the ashes. They were the first issue of "Hikari" and the 53rd issue of "Kusei." The "Hikari" newspaper was left unburned, avoiding the portrait of Meishu-sama on the front page, and the "Kyusei" newspaper was also left unburned, avoiding the "Dai Miroku Statue" written by Meishu-sama.

The "Portrait of Meishu-sama" and the large "Dai-Miroku Statue" written by Meishu-sama remained unburned...

If these two miracles are connected, it will be further proof of the answer I have discovered.

I will prove it in a systematic way.

5:15 ⇔ May 15 ⇒ [135] days from the beginning of the year.

National Route [135] runs through Atami city!

47 facilities burned down...

[47] ⇔ [Yamato]

The fire was put out at 12:00 noon ⇔ The fire was put out at midnight the next day, April 14th.

April 14th ⇒ [104] days from the beginning of the year

104 ⇔ 365 + 4 ⇒ [369]!

And the answer is...

Only the portrait of Meishu-sama on the front page of the first issue of the newspaper "Hikari" remained burned...

Hikari ⇔ Fire + Water Kei (Ⅰ) + Wei (-) = "Ten"

The front page of the first issue (first issue)... "Ten"

"October 10th" ⇒ 7 x 40 = [280]

The 280th day from the beginning of the year is "October 7th"

October 7th ⇔ 107 ⇔ 365 + 7 = [372]!

[372] = [210] + [162]

In March 1950, the Dai-Miroku Statue was enshrined as a sacred object for the first time at the spring festival of the Odawara Betsuin Church, which was then called the Miroku Daikyokai...


The 53rd issue of "Kyusei" was also left unburned, avoiding the Dai-Miroku-sama Statue with Meishu-sama's calligraphy...

53⇔"Izunome Shinko"!

[Great Maitreya]⇔[336]


This fact is...

The portrait of Meishu-sama and the statue of Dai-Miroku-sama were performing the same miracle at the same time and in the same place... an amazing display of "mysterious power"...

Meishu-sama ⇔ [Dai-Miroku-sama]

Meishu-sama ⇒ implies his ascension as the chief deity [Dai-Miroku-sama]!

The article on the Atami fire is the only answer that can be connected only after the supreme ritual in which Meishu-sama ascended to heaven as [Dai-Miroku-sama].

The entire city was burned down, but not a single person died...

It suggests a string of "miracles."

The "great miracle" 74 years ago was, in fact...

pointing to the "Miroku World Number."

The temporary headquarters, where only the portrait of Meishu-sama and the statue of Dai-Miroku-sama survived, is in Shimizu-cho, Atami City.

On June 15th of the same year, 63 days after the Atami fire,

Shizuoka City, Shimizu Ward ⇒ Great Maitreya was born in Meishu-sama's womb...

The place name "Shimizu" matches❗️

63 in hexadecimal is 99 in decimal

99⇔369 Numerology Board⇔123 Numerology Board, the middle number is [41]

June 15th⇔6×15≒90⇔1950, 6.15⇔19+50+6+15⇔90⇔[295]

Everything pointed to Meishu-sama⇔Dai-Miroku-sama.

And this great miracle perfectly matched the "Miroku World Number" of the "Night-Day Conversion" revelation of June 15th, 1931, which I posted yesterday.

I'll write it again.

June 15, 1931, revelation of "night and day conversion" at the summit of Mt. Nokogiri and prayer to the principal image of Nihon-ji Temple...

June 15th ≒ 6+(1+5)≒6+6

June 15, 1931 ⇔【666】


The middle number on the 369 numerology board is 【41】




The true meaning of the 369 numerology board is that it matches the number 【372】

June 15th ⇔ "90" ⇔ [295]

41 + 295 ⇔ [336]

The revelation of the "Night-Day Transformation" at the summit of Mt. Nokogiri coincided with the "Miroku World Numbers" of [372] and [336],

and also pointed to the "Miroku World Equation" of [372] + [336] = [708].

"Night-Day Transformation" ⇔ The title of Meishu-sama has been changed to [Dai Miroku-sama], and a whole new "Principle of the Dai-Miroku-sama" begins!

From these facts...

The "Night and Day Turnaround", the "great ritual" of the greatest celebration in human history,

The "Night and Day Turnaround Revelation" on June 15, 1931 (Showa 6) ⇒ The great miracle of the Atami fire on April 14, 1950 ⇒ The [Great Maitreya] Soul-Infusing Ceremony on the same June 15, 1950 ⇒ His ascension as the chief god [Great Maitreya] on February 10, 1955 ⇒ Everything up to July 8, 2022 is connected in a straight line with the "Night and Day Turnaround" as the "keyword".

It was shown that [372], [336], and [708] matched.

The answer is never found in "Amaterasu Omikami", "Kunitokotachi no Mikoto", "Susanoo no Mikoto", or "Mikuratana no Kami (Yahweh)".

The answer is that all gods, including Jesus Christ and Kannon, will be forced to retire.

Why is it structured like that?

The answer is very simple.

Worshiping an invisible "god" was the pinnacle of the "religious" system.

It is the pinnacle of the pyramid. It was the standard of the "Night Rule" system, in which the "Chief God" does not appear in public.

Following that example, the political, economic, and social systems were also created using the "pyramid" system.

The most important system of this is the "bloodline."

However, from now on...

Using "big wins," "big upsets," and "big twists," all systems will be transformed from a "pyramid" to a "circle with a cho" shape.

In other words... it will be in the form of a "spiritual lineage," where you follow the example.

"Bloodline" can exist even if you do not know your ancient ancestors (even if it is vague).

It's the same as a religion being established without knowing the face of God.

However, the "spiritual lineage" can only be established once we are able to see the face of "Dai-Miroku-sama (the chief deity)" in the first place.

How silly and pointless it is to worship a god whose face we don't know...

Destruction and construction proceed simultaneously, but in the end a completely different world is created.

That's why this blog links the "retirement of the gods (forced retirement)" to "Dai-Miroku-sama's plan."

In fact, in Western medicine, the face and name of the savior of illness are clearly known, which is why it attracts respect and worship.

Isn't it the success of a man with the face of Shohei Ohtani that inspires other Japanese athletes and children around the world?

That's why it's worth cheering for him, and it brings joy and emotion.

If we continue to cling to a foolish "religious organization" that worships a god whose face we don't know, we must remember that "Dai-Miroku-sama" will not save us.

Please let us unravel the "final grand scheme" of Meishu-sama ascending to the position of "Dai-Miroku-sama (the chief god)" and unravel the "divine plan" that creates the mechanism of a "super religion" at the same time as destroying the mechanism of "religion" and spreading it to the world...

Please realize that this is the mission given to us who are left behind!

It's a bad analogy, but... let's put it in terms of a "computer game"...

"Meishu-sama" is in the position of the "boss," and if "Meishu-sama" falls, it's not the end...

After "Meishu-sama" falls, he will transform into "Dai-Miroku-sama," the "final boss," and appear before us...

There was another twist to the "opening of the rock door of heaven."

It may look the same as the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but it is not.

"Meishu-sama" ascended to heaven and was restored to become "Dai-Miroku-sama."

This is the final scenario of "God's Game."

Can you see this "God's scenario"?

Rejoice in this "God's scenario"❗️