Yuka Sasou achieves a great feat❗️

She was born on June 20th, so it's the 171st day of the year.

171 in hexadecimal is 369 in decimal.

Today, June 3rd, means there are 211 days left until the end of the year.

211⇔February 11th⇔Emperor Jimmu⇔Amaterasu Oomikami.

Amaterasu Oomikami⇔369!

The final rankings of the Japanese athletes are also impressive.

1st, 2nd, 6th


1st, 2nd, 9th


Empress Masako⇔【336】


Emperor Naruhito⇔【336】


Atomic number 79 is [gold]!

Sasou Yuka's second US Open Golf victory is...

【Great victory】❗️

It is the Japanese who prove it.


How is it connected to "Amaterasu Omikami"?

It is because it is connected to the revelation of the "night and day conversion" at the top of Mt. Nokogiri on June 15, 1931, and the prayer to the principal image of the Japanese temple.

June 15th ≒ 6+(1+5)≒6+6

June 15th, 1931 ⇔【666】


The middle number of the 369 numerology board is 【41】




The true meaning of the 369 numerology board is that it matches the number 【372】❗️

Sasao Yuka's achievement is...

It proved the 【Dai-Miroku-sama's Ascension】 at 【3:36:36】 on the afternoon of February 10th, 1955, which was revealed by 【216】【336】【372】‼ ️

That is all there is to it.

There was a religious ceremony in which June 15th, 1931, June 15th, 1950, and February 10th, 1955 all lined up in a straight line.

I would like to prove this.

I have one important disclaimer.

There is an SNS message board called "Meishu-sama One Ripple - Shitaraba Message Board" on the Internet...

I don't know if it's intentional, coincidental, or just a misconception...

It seems that some people on the message board are mistaking me for the same person as "minoru".

This is very annoying.

I don't know this person at all.

My pen name is "Kusaka Minoru".

I would like you to spread the facts that have been clarified through this blog.

A few years ago, I was discussed on "Miroku World"...

There are other similar message boards, but

if anyone is reposting the contents of this blog, I would ask that they clearly state that they are quoting from "Kusaka Minoru" or "El San Torre".

I have never posted on such SNS message boards in the past.

This blog is the only place I post on SNS.

Please do not make any mistakes.

To be continued...