When was the date and time when this world switched from "Meishu-sama" to "Dai Miroku-sama"?

To be precise, it is the date and time when the "Night-Day Turnaround" occurred in this world.

"Night-Day Turnaround" means...

The honorific title in this world switched from "Meishu-sama" to "Dai Miroku-sama".

The "Night-Day Turnaround" in the "Parallel(spirit) world" was February 10, 1955 (Showa 30).

It must be the day when everything is connected to the "Miroku World Number" and "Miroku World Numerology Board (Magic Square)".

That date and time is... only one...

July 8, 2022 (Reiwa 4), 11:31 AM❗️

That's right, it is the date and time of the assassination of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

July 8th ⇔ "708"≒ [372] + [336]❗️

Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe served as the [96] Prime Minister of Japan.

In terms of "compatibility" between hexadecimal and decimal...

60 ⇔ [96] ⇔ [336]

The Prime Minister at that time was the [101] Prime Minister, Kishida Fumio.

Former Prime Minister Abe Shinzo was born on September 21st, and there are [101] days left until the end of the year.

In terms of "compatibility" between hexadecimal and decimal...

29 ⇔ [41] ⇔ 65 ⇔ [101]

Prime Minister Kishida Fumio took office on October 4, 2021.

October 4th ⇔ 104 ⇔ [369]

Kishida Fumio was assassinated on July 29th, the [210]th day since the beginning of the year.

Place of assassination ⇒ Kintetsu [Yamato] Saidaiji Nara Station.

Yamato ⇒ 47 ⇔ 216 ⇔ 666

Nara City is the starting point of National Route [369].

[Yamato] + [369] ⇔ [Dai Miroku]❗️

July 8th to April 29th ⇒ [295] days.

April 29th ⇒ [246] days left until the end of the year.

September 15th to July 8th in a leap year ⇒ [295] days.

September 15th (in a leap year) ⇒ [107] days left until the end of the year.


11:31⇒November 31⇔December 1

December 1 of the leap year⇒【336】days from the beginning of the year❗️

The birthdays I pointed out yesterday are...

Her Imperial Highness Princess Masako⇒December 9⇔129⇔【336】

Princess Aiko⇔December 1⇔【336】

The Emperor is Emperor Naruhito (Reiwa)⇒February 23⇔【54】days from the beginning of the year.



All three members of the Imperial family are...【336】❗️

Furthermore...it was during the "Corona【567】" pandemic and Russia's military invasion of Ukraine.

The assassination of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the sacrifices made by people all over the world in the COVID-19 pandemic that has terrified the world, the beginning of Putin's model of World War III...

[Reiwa] is the beginning of [Dai Miroku sama's Law] in this world.

And even more... from the truth unraveled at the time of the assassination of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe...

The assassin was "Yamagami Tetsuya"

He committed the crime when he was 41 years old!

Yamagami ⇔ Yama God ⇒ God of Judgement ⇒ Kunitokotachi no Mikoto ⇒ [96] ⇔ [336]

Mr. Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church, is from North Pyongan Province 平安北道at latitude [41] degrees north.

The current founder, Ms. Hak Ja Han, is from South Pyongan Province平安南道 and was born [February 10th].

The father and son, Yoichi and Shinmei Okada, were devoted to the Unification Church and plunged the World Messianity into unprecedented chaos.

Their relationship with the Unification Church can easily be seen from their holy names.

North Pyongan Province平安北道, South Pyongan Province平安南道...

Holy Name

Yoichi Okada... "Taira Michinari Yoichi"

It contains "Taira平" and "Do道"

Okada Masaaki... "Shin晋 Michinari Shinmei"

Sugawara "Michizane道真" and Abe 安倍"Shin晋" 三、

Their work and progression of forms can be easily calculated.

Okada Masaaki... Born March 21st.

"Miroku World Numerology Board (Magic Square)".

Right ⇒ Left Bottom Left ⇒ Top Left

The G1 NHK Mile Cup horse racing race was held on May 5th...

The winner, Jantar Mantar, was born March 21st, the same birthday as Okada Masaaki.

Box quinella ⇒ [78] ⇒ "July 8th"

It pointed out the coincidence between Okada Masaaki [Shin] and Abe [Shin] Zo's assassination.

July 8th ⇔ Leap year, "190th" day from the beginning of the year.

"Dai Miroku sama"'s February 10th is the "41st" day from the beginning of the year.


149 is the left diagonal row of the "Miroku World Numerology Board (Magic Square)"❗️

Okada Yoichi and Masaaki father and son, Putin, President Zelensky, horse racing, former Prime Minister Abe Shinzo, the 101st Prime Minister Kishida Fumio who was in office at the time, and the family of Emperor Naruhito (Reiwa) who was also in office...

The only day when the "Miroku World Number" and "Miroku World Numerology Board (Magic Square)" matched with [336] and [372] is...

The only day is July 8, 2022❗️

Everything was connected to this day!

In other words...

It matched the date and time when Meishu-sama changed to "Dai Maitreya-sama", proving this fact.


The date and time of the "night-day transition" in the present world is...

The date and time of the transition from "Meishu-sama" to "Dai Miroku-sama" in the present world is...

We have determined that it is 11:31 a.m. on July 8, 2022❗️

Why does the shocking event that shook Japan point to the "night-day transition" in the present world?

That is because...

There is an absolute truth that Meishu-sama ascended to heaven as "Dai Miroku-sama (the chief god)" after the sudden Heavy desease and death that occurred during his lifetime.

It was that sudden  desease and death, which was the biggest bolt from the blue, that pointed to the transition from the name Meishu-sama to "Dai Miroku-sama (the chief god)".

It was the greatest "trick of God" in the history of mankind.

The only thing that could match the truth that the greatest shock that shook the entire World Messianity pointed to the "night-day transition" is the shocking events of the Miroku World Number, Miroku World Numerology Board (Magic Square), and assassinations since the start of the Reiwa era.

The shocking events in the world are...

The shock of Christ's death by crucifixion and his resurrection as Jesus three days later.

It was a "preview" and "apocalypse" of the step from Meishu-sama, who became a great purification that was a bolt from the blue, to "Dai Miroku-sama."

In the future, the 1.5 billion Christians in the world will be able to accept in their hearts the process by which Meishu-sama passed away and became "Dai Miroku-sama (the chief god)."

From Christ to Jesus...the name changed...

The honorific title changed from Meishu-sama to Dai Miroku-sama...

The same goes for Buddhist posthumous names.

The person's name changes when they go to heaven...

All of this was a hint and a messenger from Meishu-sama to switch to "Dai Miroku sama".

The assassination of former Prime Minister Abe Shinzo had a shocking meaning.

The "night-day transition" in the physical world in 2022, which is "68" years after the "night-day transition" in the spiritual world in 1955...


6+8=【14】⇔【Lord (God)】


Since fusion is "➕",...


The place where former Prime Minister Abe Shinzo was assassinated was Nara.

"Na" ⇔ indicates "big" ⇒ suggests Dai Miroku sama❗️

Nara ⇒ Nara ⇔ 76

From the mutual compatibility of hexadecimal and decimal numbers...

76 ⇔ 118 ⇔ [280]

40 weeks of pregnancy "40 × 7"

The 280th day from the beginning of the year is "October 7th"

Putin's birthday.

107 ⇔ January 7th ⇔ 365 + 7 = "372"

372 = [210] + [162]

[372] ≒ [336 + 36]

The time of Dai Miroku sama's ascension...

Afternoon [3:36:36]‼ ️

Therefore, we would like to announce that "July 8, 2022" will be "the day of night-day transition in the present world"!

Do not doubt it for a moment...