Is it possible to know the historical date and time when Meishu-sama changed to Dai Miroku-sama?

I can .

The answer is the date and time when the following numbers match: 


The date and time of Meishu-sama's ascension is...

3:33 PM, February 10, 1955, according to the World Kyuseikyo announcement.

However, the doctor who was present at the ascension said...

3:35 PM, February 10, 1955.

Either time is correct as the date and time of Meishu-sama's ascension.

However, in reality, Meishu-sama died halfway through as a "Main God(Dai-Miroku-sama)" in the form of "Komyō Nyorai," so it is correct to say that he died as a "human Okada Mokichi."

This is why it has become necessary to clarify the true ascension.

The place where Meishu-sama died as Meishu-sama was

2-16-11 Mizuguchi-cho, Atami-shi

Mizuguchi 水口⇒ "K" 呇

Read as "Kei"

Meaning is "Morning Star"

"Koumyo Nyorai" "Morning Star" "Meishu-sama"

"Morning Star" is "Jesus Christ" in the Bible.

In other words... "Messiah" and "Kannon-sama".

Kei "K" is a unit that means "1000".

"Thousand-Armed Kannon"

Sen 千⇔ Chi 血⇔ "Blood (Lineage)"

2-16 ⇒ 216 ⇔ 47 (Yamato) ⇒ 666 ⇔ Miroku


11 ⇒ "Unification"

Meaning is... [Dai-Miroku Unification]!

It points to the change from "Meishu-sama (Lineage)" to "Dai-Miroku-sama (Spiritual Lineage)".

From "666" comes the Old Testament.

Maitreya ⇒ Buddhism to "Soka Gakkai"

From "Miroku" comes "Oomoto" and its derived religions.

Venus ⇒ "El Cantare" to "Happy Science"

Unification ⇒ "Unification Church"

Myojo ⇒ Christianity (New Translation of the Bible).

These are all famous religions that have been making waves in Japan and the world with various disturbances and oppressions.

At the core of all of them is "bloodline" and "duel".

Now, let's identify the time when "bloodline" changed to "spiritual lineage".

Meishu-sama ⇔ "Musashi" is closely related to birth

"Yamato" is closely related to death

"Musashi" + "Yamato" ≒ "Takeru"

It's pronounced "(Yamato) Takeru"!

Now, let's identify the time when "Meishu-sama" changed to "Dai Miroku-sama".

The answer is...

In the afternoon,


This time is the time of "day-night transition" in the "Parallel(spirit)world"!

It is the time of the so-called...

"Golden Dragon Ascension"❗️ fulfillment.

[3:36:36] in the afternoon is...

[96] seconds after 3:35 PM.

It is the time from the death of Meishu-sama (Okada Mokichi) to the completion of his ascension as "Dai Miroku-sama" in the Parallel(spirit)world.

96⇔[336]⇔[Dai Miroku-sama]‼️

The number 3:33 PM is the number of Kannon, so my family and executives decided on it, but the name "Kannon-sama (Messiah)" completely disappeared with the completion of "Golden Dragon Ascension" along with the honorific title of Meishu-sama.

[216] seconds after 3:33 PM.


Since 216 minutes after 12pm is 3:36pm...



The only time that connects to both, and matches both, is...


This is the only time...

that points to 336+372!

Let me explain in a bit more detail.

3:30pm is 210 minutes after 12pm.

There are 396 seconds between 3:30pm and 3:36:36pm.

"Sakura" and [Mikra (Throne)]

Mikratana ⇔ Mikratanach (Hebrew reading of the Old Testament)

Old Testament ⇔ 666 ⇔ Miroku

"God of Mikratana" is [Dai-Miroku-sama]❗️

The answer was found in "Ascension".

Throne ⇔ Takamikura ⇔ Emperor Naruhito (Reiwa)

Leap year December 1st ⇒ 336th day from the beginning of the year.

Birthdays are...

Her Imperial Highness Princess Masako ⇒ December 9th ⇔ 129 ⇔ [336]

Princess Aiko ⇔ December 1st ⇔ [336]

The Emperor is Emperor Naruhito (Reiwa) ⇒ February 23rd ⇔ 54th day from the beginning of the year.

54 ⇔ 9 x 6 ≒ [96]

54 ⇔ 3 x 3 x 6 ≒ [336]

All three members of the Imperial family are... [336]❗️

Emperor Naruhito's family is also... [336]!

The three match!

It is [Trinity]!

By the way...

The first successful landing of a lander on Venus was by the former Soviet Union.

Venera 9 - Launched on June 8, 1975. After separating the landing capsule, the mother ship was put into orbit around Venus. The capsule landed on October 22 and took the first photographs of the surface of Venus.

October 22 ⇒ [295] days from the beginning of the year.

June 8th ⇔ 68

68 in hexadecimal is 104 in decimal

369 (Miroku).

It is always connected.

1955 ⇔ 19 + 55 = 74

1955 "74" + Showa "30" ⇒

104 ⇔ 369!

February 10th ⇒ 41st day from the beginning of the year!

I will announce it!

The date and time of the ascension of [Dai-Miroku-sama] is...

I have determined that it is 3:36:36 on the afternoon of February 10th, 1955 (Showa 30)‼ ️

It is the date and time of the [night-day transition] in the Parallel(spiritual) world‼ ️

Both 3:33 and 3:35 will disappear.

The only time that will be passed down forever in "Miroku World" is the afternoon of February 10, 1955 (Showa 30) [3:36:36]❗️

Do not doubt it ...

Next, I would like to determine the date and time of the [night-day transition] in the physical world.

In the present world...



Only one day will it match!

To be continued...