From Meishu-sama's words...

"Regarding my name"

"(Omitted) Currently, I am mainly performing the duties of Komyo Nyorai, so I have the same status as Shaka Nyorai and Amida Nyorai, and you can think of it as the meaning of the Ten Great Disciples that Shaka Nyorai often referred to. Also, it is easy to confuse those who specialize in spiritual purification with ordinary believers, so it is easier to understand if you say it like that.

I was previously called "Great Teacher," but at that time I was practicing the bodhisattva practice of Kannon Bodhisattva, so that was fine, but after becoming a Nyorai, I changed my name to "Meishu." Also, "Self-contemplation" means that I am performing the duties of Kannon, (Omitted)

And God will give me a name that is appropriate to my spiritual position and work relationship, so I think that my name may or may not change in the future, but when I think about it, the words of Meishu are about the same as Messiah's, so I think that it may become the name of Messiah. 」     

I will announce it for the first time in the world!

The meaning of "Ascension" from "Huge desease" of "Meishu-sama" is...

It means that the honorific title has changed from "Meishu-sama" to "Dai Miroku-sama"‼ ️

The name "Meishu-sama" was the name before his ascension.

The correct answer is...

"Great Teacher" ⇒ "Meishu-sama (Messiah/Kannon)" ⇒ "Dai Miroku-sama"❗️

The correct answer is that the honorific title has been upgraded to the maximum (Supreme God ⇔ Chief God)!

I have re-edited what I explained a long time ago and am posting it here.

The Kotodama of the "Meishu" ≒ "Messiah"

After holding the "Provisional Celebration of the Birth of the Messiah" at the Salvation Hall, Meishu-sama moved to Hakone and performed the "Kata of the Birth of the Messiah" at Kanzan-tei.

Hakone ⇔ Kunitokotachi-no-Mikoto ⇔ [96]

The period of the Kata of the Birth of the Messiah was from June 30 to August 21, 1954.

On August 21, the "Kata of the Birth of the Messiah" was canceled.

June 30 ⇒ 181 days from the beginning of the year.

181 ⇔ [Black] Stone.

Meishu-sama dealt with the executives, servants, and full-time staff in the very strict Kata of Kunitokotachi-no-Mikoto.

On August 22, he returned to Meishu-sama and moved to Atami's "Hekiunso".

Atami ⇔ Susanoo-no-Mikoto.

August 22nd ⇒ 822

[96] ⇔ 150 ⇔ [336] ⇔ 822

The beginning and end of the "Type of the Birth of the Messiah" connected to "Kunitokotachi no Mikoto".

The beginning and end of the "Type of the Birth of the Messiah" connected to "96" ⇔ [336].

Here lies the key to unraveling this "Dai Miroku sama".

The period of the birth of the Messiah was [53] days.

It is "Izunome".

"Izunome God Emperor" is the "Supreme God" who transformed into "Kannon", "Kunitokotachi no Mikoto", "Kinryu", and "Susanoo no Mikoto".

He is the true identity of "○ to Chong".

In other words... "Izunome God Emperor" is...

It is "Dai Miroku sama"!

Meishu-sama ascended to heaven and became "Dai Miroku-sama"!

In other words... he was reverted to his original status as "the chief god".

A leap year has 366 days



June 15, 1929, the provisional celebration of the birth of the Messiah



Both... "Graduation"❗️

It is proof that he has graduated from the name of "Meishu-sama" and become "Dai Miroku-sama".

Shohei Otani transferred from the Angels to the Dodgers after completing Huge desease and Ascension Kata of Meishu-sama.

Dodgeball in the Dodgeball Club is a remnant of the days when people used to dodge streetcars to get to work or school.

The movement is just like that of a dragon.

Dodgeball originated in England and was introduced to Japan at the end of the Meiji period. It was originally called "dead ball" and the kanji for "avoiding ball" was used. The rules were then improved and it became a uniquely Japanese ball game, changing to dodgeball in 1926. The name was changed by Otani Buichi, one of the creators of radio calisthenics and a school physical education instructor.

This led to Shohei Otani joining the Dodgers.

Angels ⇒ Halo ⇔ Thousand-Armed Kannon.

Kannon ⇔ Messiah.

Graduated from the Kannon and Messiah forms!

Dodgers ⇒ Dragon ⇒ Golden Dragon Ascension.

Shohei Otani was imitating the promotion from "Meishu-sama" to "Dai Miroku-sama."

The important thing is...