Spiritual Lineage ⇔ Freezing

The underlying mechanism is...

The extremely cold of outer space.

The temperature is ➖270°C.

However, outer space is a vacuum, so you don't feel cold.

The fact that it is constant at ➖270°C means that there is a "truth" there.

The 270th day from the beginning of the year is September 27th.

The day of the state funeral of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe!

As I have always written, the assassination of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe represents a "great turning point."

In other words... the assassination death hinted at the same "night-day turning point."

Naturally, former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was born of the "Spiritual Lineage."

Because it was "one generation only," the Abe couple were unable to have children.

Even more amazing is...

Leap year 366 days - 270 days ⇒ [96]

96 ⇔ 150 ⇔ [336]❗️

366 ⇔ (3 × 60) + 60 + 6 ≒ [246] (seconds, minutes, days)

It will be connected later.

96 ⇒ 96th day from the beginning of the year is April 6th ⇒ "46"

The formation of the solar system and the birth of the earth were [4.6] billion years ago.

"46" ⇔ [96]

Leap years are the key to solving the answer.

"+1" ≒ "11" means the beginning of the system.

It's the same reason why Japanese time is one day ahead of Europe and the United States.

"+1" means "Chon".

To understand "Spiritual Order"...

336 ⇔ 366 ⇔ 663 ⇔ 633

You must understand that they share the same meaning.

Because it means [96] ⇔ [336].

663 ⇒ Normandy Landings ⇒ Started on the 6th of June 1944 at 6:30.

633 ⇒ Emperor Showa passed away ⇒ January 7th, 1989 at 6:33.

It will be connected later.

Getting back to the topic...

The agreement with the number ``➖270℃'' is the same as the agreement with the ``Miroku World Number.''

It is connected to the ``night-day conversion'' of World Messianity.

The successive leaders who were forced into the worst ``spiritual lineage'' despite being of the highest ``bloodlineage''...

Okada Yoichi ⇒ Born September 30th ⇒ Betrayed Adam ≒ Kunitokotachi no Mikoto who was betrayed in the reversed form in Japan.

Third leader ⇒ Itsuki ⇒ Moon.

Fourth leader ⇒ Yoichi ⇒ Sun.

Itsuki 3rd ⇒ (2013) "September 30th" sect funeral

His death date was September 4th, and he was made to wait until "September 30th"

his rebirth to the Parallel(spirit)world.

Yoichi 4th ⇒ "September 30th" birthday.

To be on the same day. .

What does that mean...

Moon (Itsuki) ⇒ Night

Sun (Yoichi) ⇒ Day

It is a form of "night-day conversion" in the present world.

Meishu-sama had his blood relatives perform the most severe form.

September 30th ≒ Adam lived to be 930 years old.

September 30th ⇒ 9 x 30 = [270]

What's interesting is that even at "absolute zero (-273℃)"...

The 273rd day from the beginning of the year is "September 30th"❗️

273 is 111 in hexadecimal

The 111th day from the beginning of the year is [April 21st]!

Shohei Otani's No. 176‼ ️

September 30th ⇔ 270 ⇔ 273

This is the answer that can only be seen by using the "Spiritual Lineage" method.

It was proven that the words of the ``Spiritual Lineage'' revealed the meaning of ``freezing.''

[Golden Dragon] is the "symbol" of "Spiritual Lineage (frozen)"❗️

As written above...

A leap year is "366" days in a year.

366-270 = [96] ⇒ Kunitokotachi-no-Mikoto.

96⇒The 96th day from the beginning of the year is April 6th⇒"46"

Yoichi Okada⇒Solar system...

The birth of the solar system was 4.6 billion years ago.

Saaki Okada⇒"sphere"⇒Earth...

The birth of the Earth was also 4.6 billion years ago.

Is it correct that the birth of the solar system and the birth of the Earth were 4.6 billion years ago?



The "Big Bang" and the "clearing of the universe" were 13.8 billion years ago.

The World Kyuseikyo...

Three generations of Sai Okada, Yoichi Okada, and Saaki Okada were forced to stage the "night-day transition"!

By Meishu-sama...

They use their "blood ties" with Meishu-sama as a banner, but as shown above, it makes no sense at all.

The "MOA (Eastern Light Sect)", which elevates a person with no "blood ties" to the position of "religious leader", fits the "spiritual lineage" model.

(The "Izunome Sect" would be better off being absorbed into the "MOA")

The numerical agreement with "➖270°C" is the same as the agreement with the "night-day transition" from "bloodline" to "spiritual lineage".

The "Parallel(spiritual) world" is not made up of "bloodline", but of "spiritual lineage"❗️

Because they mistakenly think that it is controlled by "bloodline"...

They cannot escape from the "hell" way of thinking❗️

Horse racing, like the Emperor System, is the pinnacle of "bloodline"...

As you can see from the horse racing articles posted on this blog...

The approach to horse racing on this blog is the "spiritual lineage method".

It derives answers that have nothing to do with the bloodline of the racehorse.

In other words...it eliminates "causation" and "fate" first.

Back to the point.

If we convert it into numbers...

Bloodline ⇔ Religion ⇔ [6] ⇔ "Awaji Island" ⇔ Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake.

Spiritual lineage ⇔ Super religion ⇔ [9] ⇔ "Lake Biwa" ⇔ Golden Dragon.

The reason why Shohei Otani's number "176" coincided with "Golden Dragon" and the "Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake" is...

It represented the mechanism of switching from "bloodline" to "spiritual lineage".

The answer is...

Shohei Otani's mission is to sweep the surroundings and the baseball world with the "two-way" of [96] and overturn the conventional wisdom of the baseball world.

[96] is connected to all important numbers that connect the world, such as "the swelling of the universe", "the average temperature of the universe", "the pendulum action of twin simultaneity", and "the switch from bloodline to spiritual lineage".

So... it's a number that models the "Spiritual Order Method"...

[96] ⇔ [336] ≒ [41] + [295]

The greatest divine ritual in human history, "Meishu-sama's Ascension to Heaven," can be analyzed using this "Miroku World Number."

Actually, the answer is that it can be analyzed using this "Miroku World Number."

The day Meishu-sama ascended to heaven was

February 10, 1955.

19+5+5+2+10≒ [41]

February 10⇒[41] days from the beginning of the year.

Another one is...



127 in hexadecimal is 【295】 in decimal

From the mutual compatibility between hexadecimal and decimal...




Meishu-sama's ascension from the great purification is...

【295】+【41】=【336】 ≒【38】 10,000 years later, when it will be sunny!

In other words...

The answer is really found in the "spiritual lineage" and not in the "bloodlineage"!

Finally...as we have just discovered...

The middle row of the "spiritual lineage numerology board (magic square)" is 【246】, but...

Meishu-sama ascended to heaven in 1955.

The Showa era is the 246th era since the first era, Taika❗️

As I posted above...

366 (leap year) ⇔ [246]

Emperor Showa's death ⇒ 633 ⇔ [336]

Therefore... we must dissect the "Huge desease and Ascension of Meishu-sama" using the "Spiritual Lineage Method" and understand the "absolute truth" that the "Parallel(spiritual) world" is composed of "spiritual lineages" and not "bloodlineages."

Never forget this...