Corona [567]

You can understand this by looking at the fact that even though it is the ``Flame of the Sun'' and ``Miroku,'' it suddenly appeared and terrorized the entire world.

The reason why Corona led us from nectar to sparseness is also the function of ``Mitama Yuragi.''

When the ``pendulum'' swings to its maximum amplitude, the entire world (humanity) is affected.

It was unexpected that he had directed the so-called ``God and the Devil'' and ``Heaven and Hell''...

It is ``Mitama fluctuation''.

The history of the cult after Meishu-sama's ascension clearly shows this.

Therein lies the essence of ``Mutation in the Clear Sky.''

This blog is where I write what I want to say the most.

Even if I briefly look back...

In the midst of the chaos of Meishu-sama's ascension, the church's property was taken into personal possession...

The right wing is the helper...

The form of the ritual returns to Ohmoto...

The church's donations were diverted to invest in the children of the first generation...

○○ former president's centralization to monopolize power and money...

Even the head of the church who opposed it and became independent used a good cause as a cover to monopolize power and money.

○ She took away all authority from the head priest ...

Personal misappropriation from the purchase of art by the former president who split and established the ○○ cult...

They invited a right-winger from outside (connected to ○○ in Kyoto) to take over the post of chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, resulting in a huge blunder in which they ``lent the front of the eaves and took over the main building(Give him an inch and he'll take an ell.)''...

A proxy war between the Yamaguchi-gumi and the Inagawa-kai in a dispute over interests between former president ○○ and former president XX...

A cover-up with convenient words (cleansing the church)...

After being swayed and betrayed by the selfishness of the ○ cult leader and banished, he was eventually reinstated as the leader of the ○○ cult...

A group of local married executives who believe that buying women is not a sin, go to soaplands and sex entertainment...

The director of the former ○○ Mission in Saitama Prefecture made a profit by manufacturing and selling ``O-Hikari'' without permission, was discovered by the headquarters, expelled, and the mission was closed...

He chased out Mr. ○○, the head of the ○○○○ Mission Headquarters, and took his place. His desire for fame and ambition led him to rise to the position of chairman of the church's board of directors, and he used the church's wealth for personal gain, greatly reducing it. he even surrounded his mistress...

The denominations that were established by independent church leaders through unification, and the denominations that were opposed to each other through ``cult purification'' and were newly reorganized by the head president and executive leaders, have all followed the same history to a greater or lesser degree, and will continue to do so in the future. will also be followed.

There's more, but I'll leave it here.

What I want to say is...

Meishu-sama dropped ``atomic bombs'' and ``hydrogen bombs'' one after another within the cult! That's what it means.

The sacred place became "ground zero."

It exposed the ugliness and dirtiness of the bees (8) that swarm densely (3).

The executives who were made to act out the pattern were in the ``fever'' pattern.

It was a type of ``mutation,'' and the full-time practitioners and veteran believers who were involved were forced to perform the type of ``a bolt out of the clear sky.''

This pattern was accomplished by causing the executives involved to go crazy with a fever.

This is called [cult purification].

The system of ``God's Sutra'' is to materialize the pattern first.

In terms of form, if we compare it to the universe...

Sudden appearance of black holes, supernova explosions, collisions of large comets, collisions between galaxies, etc...

A group of executives who have left their mark on the conflict brilliantly stated that the ``upside-down pattern'' is the true ``God's wisdom.''

They demonstrated this through their own actions.

On the other hand, they are proof that there is no such thing as hell in the afterlife, and they are people who have made great contributions to the hell of this world.

(As I wrote before, those who have made great contributions to evil do not necessarily go straight to heaven. Even if the birth is the same...
I explained earlier that ``dementia'' refers to this.)

It is the type with the largest amplitude in human history.

In this way, they induced senior leaders and believers of the cult to voluntarily leave.

They tormented their fellow relatives, bullied them, and orchestrated their efforts to corner and expel them.

It's the same as the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs were made to appear in order to solidify the earth's surface to a certain extent, and once it had solidified to a certain extent, the dinosaurs were exterminated.

It made both carnivorous and herbivorous dinosaurs extinct.

This is the ``loop'' of ``mutation.''

In this way, we got rid of the old people who were no longer useful in the future.

It is ``killing two birds with one stone'' and ``two-sword style Miyamoto Musashi.''

It is a "loop" shape.

In short...we are eliminating those who think in terms of ``Heaven and Hell'' and ``God and the Devil.''

If you were involved in a number of unreasonable situations, you needed to change your thinking.

you don't believe in "God" anymore...
There are no gods or Buddhas in this world...

Rather, we had to ``change'' the way we believed in ``God'' and the way we thought about ``God's grace.''

Meishu-sama also encouraged a ``change'' in their thinking by allowing the priests and believers to experience the ``hell'' of this world.

If we don't make a "transformation", China's Xi Jinping will unreasonably bully other countries, Russia's Putin's military invasion to restore his empire and national unification, and North Korea's Kim dynasty's oppressive rule over the same Korean people...

No matter how much time passes, you'll end up being a stupid person who won't understand the real answer because you can't escape from the religious idea that you're the devil's work and that you're going to hell.

Dictatorship, tyranny of fellow citizens, betrayal, beheading, expulsion, etc. are used as patterns to ``transform'' our thinking...

There is a meaning behind this role being played by the senior leaders of the cult.

This is a ``God's wild trick'' that is possible precisely because there is no hell in the parallel(spirit)world.

``Hostage'', ``sacrifice'', and ``human sacrifice'' are systems in which there is a perpetrator and a victim.

The believers who suffered and those who were caught up in the turmoil were also affected by a ``fever.''

After all, he was made to embody the pattern of ``Meishu-sama's Huge disease.''

Those who had no choice but to be involved had their ``spirits'' damaged and their souls exhausted.

your head was hurt, your heart was broken...

It was designed to be repeatedly hit by ``terrible earthquakes'' of the highest intensity.

The person who embodies the pattern of ``Meishu-sama 's Ascension'' is...

These are people who quit or were forced to quit at a young age.

What does it mean to be young?

This would be the same generation as the baby boomer generation, and people from that generation up to about 10 years younger.

That's why...the answer was not a ``return to the teachings'' but a chance to achieve ``Meishu-sama Supremacy.''

That shape is unique...

From “dense” to “sparse”❗️

It is the same rotational motion as the expansion of the universe.

It is a rough technique caused by the rotational movement of ``Mitama Yuragi''.

There is no hope for those of that generation who still maintain a focus on the teachings.

In other words...people who believe in things like ``the devil'' and ``hell.''

Either you're poisoned or you're fatally stupid.

From here, the shocking story begins...