Do you know “A2 milk”?

Milk has ``A1 ingredient'' and ``A2 ingredient'', and it seems that it has been determined that the ``A1 ingredient'' is the cause of stomach rumbling and bloating.

Therefore, ``A2 milk'', which has 100% ``A2 ingredients'', was released by removing the ``A1 ingredient''.

Ever since I was young, whenever I drank cold milk or ate ice cream, my stomach would rumbly and I would feel hungry, so I haven't been able to drink milk or eat ice cream for decades.

I was really envious of the people who were drinking milk and eating ice cream so deliciously.

So, I bought ``A2 Milk'' and tried it.

And it's been two weeks since I continued drinking as much as I could every day.

Then, my stomach really felt like nothing.

If I remember correctly, I remembered that the hexadecimal number was "A2" and looked it up.

Then…oh my god! !

``A2'' in hexadecimal is ``A2'' in decimal...

[162]!! ️


The number in the middle of the 369 numeral board is [41]!

Hexadecimal number ⇒ 16 ≒ 2+9+5 ≒ [295]!


Isn't this great news?

In other words…

I can highly recommend this to young mothers who are not blessed with breast milk even after giving birth to a child❗️

It is a substitute for breast milk, and it is said to be a ``Johrei'' in a different form.

What do you think, guys?

Let's get back to the topic.

On February 5th, the Miss Japan Association, which runs Miss Japan, announced on its official website that Carolina Shiina (26), who won the grand prize of the 56th Miss Japan Contest 2024, has withdrawn from the competition.

Carolina Shiina relinquishes her Miss Japan Grand Prix title.

This happened because Bunshun reported that she was suspected of having an affair.

Putting aside whether ``infidelity'' is good or bad...

Ethics = the path that people should follow.

person + yun  倫

⇒ “4F 96” in hexadecimal (Unicode)


It is connected to the strictness of the ``Kunitokotachi no Mikoto'' who strictly follows the ``Torah.''

I need to convert kanji to hexadecimal in order to type them into a computer...

At its is determined by the ``God's Number'' that I solved in this blog.


56 in decimal is [38] in hexadecimal

Han [Shin 神] Tigers No.1 in Japan for the first time in 38 years❗️

The director is “Akifu Okada” ⇒ “Mokichi Okada”!

Last year, the Hanshin Tigers were number one in Japan to highlight the relationship between Meishu-sama and [38].

Chinese New Year (Lunar New Year) ⇒ From [February 10th].

Spring 春⇒ “Sanhachi38” + “Sun”日

Carolina Shiina was born on August 24, 1997, which is 237 days from the beginning of the year in a leap year.

237 in hexadecimal is [567] in decimal



Women's table tennis player Mima Ito was not selected by the Paris Olympic team, and the association selected 15-year-old Miwa Harimoto.

Mima Ito also wants to decline her role as an alternate in the team competition.

Brother and sister Tomokazu Harimoto and Miwa Harimoto have been selected to represent the Paris Olympics.

This is ``Pendulum'' as a ``twin simultaneity'' with Hifumi Abe and his poet brother and sister.


Stretch 張⇒ Tension the string of a bow.

Shooting an “arrow” at a “target”… [Yamato] 矢的 大和

[38] means "three wheels".

In other words...the shape of the ``target'' of a bow and arrow.


The "three rings" of the sun, moon, and earth!

Mima Ito... Born on October 21, 2000 (leap year) ⇒ [295] days from the beginning of the year.

Junya Ito (soccer), Mima Ito (table tennis), and Carolina Shiina are all the same...

伊 椎   石!

[Stone] with I (I) and Shii (Shi)❗️

All three of them are separated from their friends, and a fireball shoots out from the golden dragon❗️

When Nippon Television aired the anime ``Sexy Tanaka-san,'' the producer and scriptwriter changed the story and aired it, ignoring the wishes of the original author, which is being viewed as a problem.

Nippon TV broadcast begins

October 22, 2023 ⇒ [295] day from the beginning of the year.

It caused a huge uproar on the internet.

The original manga artist, Kinako Ashihara, died by suicide on January 29th of this year.

She is, after all, a form of separation from her companions.

Let’s join our hands in prayer 🙏

[336] days left until the end of the year.


Seiji Ozawa, Japan's proud world-renowned classical conductor, passed away on February 6th.

His outstanding achievements will shine forever.

He was born in Mukden City, former Mukden Province, Manchukuo.

Mukden is a city that once existed in the Republic of China and Manchukuo, and corresponds to the current city of Shenyang, People's Republic of China.

North latitude [41]°
East longitude [123]°

He jumped out from Japan to the world.

It is clear that if he had remained in Japan, he would have become obsessed with Japanese customs and would not have been able to spread his wings.

Carolina Shiina, Junya Ito, Mima Ito, Kinako Ashihara, Seiji Ozawa...

They all have the shape of a golden dragon's mouth shell with a fireball sticking out.

In this blog, I have posted historical great people, but almost all of them are connected to ``God's numbers'' and ``God's words(Kotodama)"

The same goes for the Old Testament and Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ wants to prove it to us soon.

There is only one meaning...

This is nothing but proof that ``Meishu-sama is the main deity'' existed in the beginning, and that the history of the world has been created.

The series of secession turmoil and deaths were all connected by ``God's numbers,'' ``God's Kotodama,'' and ``God's trick [Stone = Opening of the Rock of Heaven].''

It is important to connect with Meishu-sama.

Connecting with others will prove the validity of this blog.


We will unravel the meaning of a man, a woman, and the birth of a baby (a fireball flying out of the golden dragon's mouth) from the kanji.

Man 男⇒ “Sun” and “Power”日 力

Female 女⇒ Kunoichi (Kunoichi)九ノ一 ⇒ 9+1 ≒ Maru (○)

Circle (○) is "full moon"

“Sun Moon” with a man and a woman

The baby born is “earth ⇒ earth”

In other words..."Chon  to circle (○)"

“Twin synchronicity” of “Soil” is “Kei”
土 圭
I have clarified this before...

Kei 圭⇒ 1111 ⇒ Quadruple One ⇒ [41]

Kei Komuro married a woman from the imperial family (Mako) and made the leap.

``The shape of a fireball coming out of the mouth of a golden dragon'' in the imperial family

A man is an arrow with the power of the sun
Women are marked with a circle (○).

The newborn baby is [Yamato]

the man is adam
woman is eve

The born "Set" is the ancestor of humanity.

That's why...

A model with a fireball coming out of the golden dragon's mouth needs to appear.

We need to model it so that we can actually see it.

It is important that the work of ``God's numbers,'' ``God's Kotodama"and ``God's tricks'' be visible.

This is why this form continues to appear almost always in cases of great earthquakes, wars of aggression, major incidents, scandals over corruption in the political and business world, problems in the entertainment and sports worlds, etc.

It's hot.
It's hot enough to cause burns.

There is another meaning of the three rings.

“Seed Mandala” also has “three rings”

The answer is…

When the plum fruit (hard shell) splits, black (brown) seeds appear.

Among them, the true ``White Seed'' (Hakutenjin) appears.

If we roughly divide the interior of the earth...

Crust, mantle, core (outer core/inner core)

Same structure as ``target''.
Same structure as "Fireball".

``Inner core'' has the same meaning as ``Meishu-sama'' in ``Hakutenjin.''

In other words…

The ``black (brown) skin'' that surrounds Shirotenjin becomes ``Kurotenjin'' and ``Kunitokotachi.''

KunitoKotachi's kotodama is ``ki'' and ``god''

``Hakutenjin'' is ``Susanooh''

Susano-ou's kotodama is "su" which means "main deity"

The abnormal occurrence of cedar and cypress pollen allergy suggests ``God's care.''

Amaterasu Omikami ⇒ Amaterasu's kotodama is "U"

Kunijotateson “Ki”
Amaterasu Omikami “U”

“Odd number”❗️

Even numbers = idols, coincidences.
偶数      偶像 偶然

Aligned ⇒ Uniform, flat.

Divided by 2 ⇒Cell division (country, race, ethnicity)

Human bias ⇒ People ⇒ World domination involving humans.

Odd numbers = miracles, magic.
奇数    奇跡 奇術
Unusual irregularities ⇒ Spots (mandala)!

``Great'' ⇒ ``God'' ⇒ God's wisdom.

Wooden figure ⇒ (human) puppet.
木偶       操り人形
``Strange'' means something unusual, conspicuous, or outstanding, whether good or bad. Therefore, it can be used both for protrusion in a good (excellent, positive) direction and for protrusion in a bad (poor, negative) direction.

In other words..."pendulum"!

Susao no Mikoto⇒Takehaya Susano no Mikoto.


``Ama 天'' TerasuOhmikami
``Kuni国'' Tokotachi
“Take建” Hayasu Sao no Mikoto

"Seto" is also called "Setsu".
``Seth'' means the giving child of God.


“Heaven Construction”❗️


God's name is not a mystery.

It turns a very simple meaning into a complicated story.

That's where everyone continues to be deceived.

Meishu-sama is the “core”❗️

"Core" is mainly a countable noun, meaning "core (of a fruit)," "core (of something)," "inner core of the earth," "core (of a nuclear reactor)," and "magnetic needle (of a magnet)." This is an English expression that represents.

369 Number spirit board ⇒ Mantle
123 Numerous Spirit Board ⇒ Outer Core
41 ⇒Inner core

If we express the ``core'' in a picture, it is ``Dainichi Nyorai'' in the ``mandala picture''.

If we express the "core" in a numerical diagram, it is [41] of the "369 numeral board" and "9th magic square".

If you express "core" in numbers...
[41], [295], and [336]❗️

do  not doubt...