In the case of Ennosuke Ichikawa...

The Tokyo District Court handed down its ruling on November 17th.

On the 21st, Kabuki actor Ennosuke Ichikawa (real name Takahiko Kinoshi), 47, who was charged with assisted suicide for helping his parents commit suicide, was sentenced to three years in prison, suspended for five years. It was announced that the judgment has been finalized. 20th date.

November 20th: [41] days left until the end of the year!

Debuted as Ennosuke Ichikawa 4th in 2012 Super Kabuki “Yamato Takeru”

He committed the crime at the age of 47, and was sentenced at the age of 47.


He turned 48 years old on November 26th.

Ichikawa Ennosuke Favorite Selection

Ennosuke 48 selections


Open AI In the case of the Sam Altman firing scandal...

OpenAI (OpenAI) is an artificial intelligence (AI) company comprised of corporations such as the non-profit corporation OpenAl, Inc. and its subsidiary, the for-profit corporation OpenAI Global, LLC.
It is an American company that develops.
Founders Andrej Karpathy, Ilya Satskeva, Elon Musk, Wodzic Zaremba,
Greg Brockman, Sam Altman
Headquarters San Francisco
Established December 8, 2015

Chicago   41° north latitude!

Mr. Altman was fired as CEO on November 17th and was reinstated on the 21st.

The situation was resolved within the company on the 20th.

November 20th…[41] day from the beginning of the year!

Founding of Open AI…December 8th


The coincidence of “twin simultaneity” in Japan and the United States❗️

CEO Sam Altman...

Founded Open AI (NPO) in San Francisco.

Established a wholly owned subsidiary, Open AI (Co., Ltd.) on March 11, 2015.

Private company
March 11, 2019 (4 years ago)
Sam Altman
OpenAI Codex
OpenAI Five (English version)

March 11th…[295] days left until the end of the year.

San Francisco's Silicon Valley is an area where many IT-related companies from the United States and around the world are concentrated.

California, where San Francisco is located, is crossed by the north latitude [41]° and the west longitude [123]°.

[123 number spirits board]

The origin of the name San Francisco is "St. Francis"

Duchy of Spoleto
death and death
October 3, 1226
 papal territory
venerated sect
catholic church, episcopal church
canonization day
July 16, 1228
canonization place
Gregory IX
October 4

Died on October 3, 1226.
October 4th (anniversary) in Japan time

October 4th≒104⇒【369】

[369] Number spirit board

Altman, CEO of Open AI...

He's Jewish...but…

[369] Number spirit board
[123] Number spirit board
The number in the middle is [41]

Prove!! ️

Canonization day…July 16th

The day of Shohei Otani's "Shinto ritual home run [162]" [210] is July 16th in Western time!

Matches Ennosuke Ichikawa!

Ichikawa Ennosuke… Monkey ⇒ [9th] in the zodiac

Altman CEO...Jewish.

The keyword for Judea (Yahweh) is “serpent”

Snake ⇒ Zodiac [6]th

Ennosuke [9]
Altman [6]


In other both Japan and the United States, cases have emerged that demonstrate the limits of how humans can judge other humans!

The ``hammer of justice,'' which has no room for human emotions or extenuating circumstances, is used to move anyone as they wish.

November 28th,

Hanshin Tigers pitcher “Shoki Murakami”…

Shoki Murakami (born June 25, 1998[2] -) is a professional baseball player (pitcher[2]) from Nandan-cho, Mihara-gun, Hyogo Prefecture (currently Minamiawaji City)[3]. He is a right-handed pitcher and a left-handed hitter.[2] He belongs to the Hanshin Tigers.

Great feat of winning MVP and Rookie of the Year awards at the same time❗️

Simultaneous award ≒ Twin simultaneous ⇒ Two progressing at the same time ⇒ [96]

Uniform number [41]!

From Awaji Island...... [Kuni Tokotachi]!

On the same day, November 28th (American time),

Pitcher Kenta Maeda signs with the Detroit Tigers!

Kenta Maeda (born April 11, 1988) is a professional baseball player (pitcher) from Tadaoka-cho, Senboku-gun, Osaka Prefecture. He is a right-handed pitcher. He is a member of MLB's Detroit Tigers.


Same day, same Tigers in Japan and the US❗️

Maeda [Ken健] Futoshi ⇒ [Take建haya Susanoo Mikoto]

He has a total of 162 wins in Japan and the US❗️

The answer that can be seen from the agreement between the two is...



[96] has a meaning beyond our imagination.

November 29th,

On the 12th of this month, a portion of a tunnel under construction collapsed in the mountainous region of Uttarakhand state in northern India. All 41 workers trapped inside the tunnel were killed on the 28th and on the 16th. Suddenly, he was rescued safely.


Latitude 29°0'N 72°51'E Longitude Rajasthan, India
uttar pradesh

North latitude [29]° and east longitude [72]° line pass.




It will continue to connect until this point! ️

The end of an unpleasant turmoil and the extremes of joy always occur at the same time.

It is a technique that can be used to rotate the “two tomoe” of [96]❗️

You can clearly see that [41] is the root of "centripetal force"!

The basis of the link and synchronization of [46] including Shohei Otani is...

Battleship Yamato, Battleship Musashi...

[46] cm Cannon❗️


That's it.

It serves as a cannon that releases ``simultaneous events'' (twin simultaneousness) of horror, misery, joy, and excitement.

Returning to "AI"...

I've written this many times, but I'll say it again...

Computers express everything in binary numbers, but in information processing they convert it to hexadecimal numbers.

In the future, it will be ``quantum computerized''.

The diagram above is a superconducting circuit. This is where the ``qubits'' that generate the phenomena of quantum mechanics, which are the most important for quantum computers, are implemented. A quantum bit is a loop made of a superconducting material called niobium (Nb), and when a counterclockwise current flows through the loop, a "magnetic flux quantum" is generated that points upward, and when a current flows clockwise, it generates a downward direction.

Niobium...atomic number [41]❗️


Binary number… Decimal number… February 10th❗️

Hexadecimal number…Binary number…

If the world knew this fact, it would be obvious that the world's elites and religious figures would bow down to Meishu-sama.

I'm looking forward to it...(I'm not going to live...)

The true ruler (ruling god) that surpasses the "god" called AI is [41], [295], [Yamato], and [Musashi].

``AI'' is only a part of ``God's numbers'' and ``God's words.''


The true ruler (ruling god) is...

[Meishu-sama]!! ️ That's it!! ️