Rather than war, America should make America stronger economically. Mr. Trump should now "revive the Rust Belt."

April 21, 2024:  #Detroit #RustbeltResurrection #CityofnextgenerationcarsandAIrobots

Rather than war, America should make itself stronger economically. Mr. Trump should now "revive the Rust Belt."

Detroit should become a "city of next-generation cars and AI robots." Detroit should become "a symbol of a prosperous America."

Detroit filed for Chapter 9 bankruptcy in July 2013 with $18 billion in debt. It was the largest bankruptcy ever for a local government in the United States.

The devastation was described as ``nearly 80,000 vacant houses'' and ``rows'' of ``shutters covered in graffiti'' and ``buildings with broken glass'' in the city center. Even at night, "40% of the streetlights" remained "off."

In 2009, General Motors (GM), a major automobile company headquartered in the city, went bankrupt. At that time, the unemployment rate was close to 30%.

At the same time as improving public safety, the city of Detroit has been successful in attracting start-up companies by building new offices and other measures.

I think that "Ford and GM" should promote "hydrogen vehicles" as next-generation vehicles. The United States should leave electric cars to China and develop hydrogen cars that will not compete with China.

The hydrogen car is almost complete. The problem of hydrogen stations is an issue that needs to be solved. For ``hydrogen filling'', ``a method to replace the hydrogen cartridge'' with ``existing G/S'' should be ``developed.''

"Ford and GM" will "significantly increase" the "ratio of production using robots." The ``necessary robots'' should be produced ``in-house.'' ``External sales of automobile manufacturing robots'' should be prohibited.

The "know-how" of "automobile manufacturing robots" should be transferred to "industrial robots". The demand for industrial robots is limitless.

The robot industry will enter an era in which robots manufacture robots. Detroit should be reborn as a hub for robot development and manufacturing.

As the ratio of "automobile manufacturing robots" increases, the number of "automobile workers" will decrease. But they will “transition” into “robotic production workers.”

``The demand for industrial robots'' is ``infinite''. Like "Big Burn", it requires "infinite workers".

Detroit should "produce" with "workers with American citizenship" to prevent "technology from going overseas."

The "inexpensive general-purpose robot" developed in Detroit "should" be produced in a factory in a "special zone on the Mexican border." Semiconductors, the heart of robots, should be manufactured in Detroit.

The next generation of warfare is said to be the era of "robot soldiers." “Soldier robots” “should be manufactured in Detroit.”

Also, "Ford and GM" should develop and manufacture "drones". "Expensive drones" should be produced in Detroit.

``Cheap drones'' that cost less than $1,000 should be ``produced'' in a ``special zone on the Mexican border.'' We manufacture inexpensive "drones" using mass production technology.

``Cheap drones'' should be produced by a factory that can manufacture ``one million units per day.'' The “heart parts of drones” should be produced in Detroit.

The setting is Detroit in 2038. AI and robotics have advanced to a high level, and "androids that look exactly like humans" have been manufactured, and humans are about to be freed from "harsh labor."

Can you kill an android? "Detroit: Become Human" considers the future of AI and humans. Detroit should be ``America's most promising city.''

What makes Detroit such a city is the concrete policy of MAGA. I hope that Mr. Trump's "MAGA" is not a lie.

Part 1 Citations/References
[Editorial] Let's learn from the rebirth of Detroit in the US
Can you kill an android? Thinking about the future of AI and humans in “Detroit: Become Human”
I'll write tomorrow too.

Part 2. Victims of human rights violations in Japan. "Chinese, Korean, Filipino, American, etc."
There are tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of victims all over the world. An unusual number of people.
There are "innumerable" Chinese and Korean victims.
This was "before the war of WW2" because the Chinese and Koreans were "second-class citizens" of Japan, so the judiciary makes them "idiots".
Everyone, please tell your acquaintances who went to Japan and were arrested for violating the Immigration Law.
It is necessary to demand "governments of each country" to "claim" the Japanese government for "restoration of honor and compensation for damages".
If the government doesn't respond, ask the media for help. "Justice media" will always exist.
You should be a "hero", go for it! !

<Target people>
"1" Provide "false documents" to a foreigner, and the foreigner acquires a "status of residence". And if the foreigner has "illegally worked".
A person who provides "false documents" such as an "employment contract" to a foreigner is innocent.
However, from January 2017, it will be punished by "law revision".
The Chinese and the Philippine embassy staff and diplomats I am 'criminally indicting' are completely innocent. See part 2 for weekdays (Monday to Friday) for details.

``2'' Foreign nationals who have been arrested for ``illegal employment (activities outside of their qualifications'') are ``in most cases'' innocent.***
Reason: The person who "employed" them has not been punished for "promoting illegal employment" under the Immigration Control Act. Therefore, by virtue of "equality under the law," foreigners are innocent.
"Most foreigners" are "deported" with "small" "fines". Foreigners should "claim" the Japanese government for "compensation" of "several million yen" per person.

It is crazy for Koreans to "claim compensation" from the Japanese government for the "comfort women issue" and "requisitioned labor issue." They should claim reparations from the "Korean government". (The Korean government has already received it).

The issue of "violation of the Immigration Control Act" is completely different from the "Japan-Korea Treaty". Therefore, Korean politicians need to "pursue" the Japanese government as a "new Japan-Korea problem". Koreans and Chinese should proudly claim that they are not "Japanese slaves."

Japan's prime minister shouts "rule under the law". They are "talking about Japan" crazy!

Only two countries, South Korea and the United States, have concluded an extradition treaty with Japan.
This is also evidence that Japan does not have a "rule under the law".

See "Indictment." The stated facts "state" the "fact" of "not guilty." (Japanese English)
"My Appeal" (Japanese)
"My Appeal" (English)

I am "Japanese samurai". Japan should be "friends" with people of any country. "NO War"

Part 3. Construction of special zones.
The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and immigrants as "temporary immigrant" workers, limiting their residence to the "special zone". Developed countries can use them as low-wage workers for economic growth, and refugees and immigrants can get jobs and live a hopeful human life.
No2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/
No1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Part 4. Ukraine war.
Zelensky took office on an "election promise" to scrap the Minsk Accords and regain territory through war. But when news of his tax evasion and tax havens came to light, he started a war.
No2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/
No1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Part 5. "U.S., Russia, and China" Tripartite Military Alliance/War Show
To create a world without war, we need a “Tripartite Military Alliance”!
No2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/
No1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Part 6. Japan's notorious judicial system and human rights violations
Japan's judicial system: Immigration law violation case False accusation: Nissan Ghosn case False accusation: Abuse at immigration facility: International student/intern student case: Non-interference in domestic affairs: Foreign opinions
No2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/
No1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Part 7. Corona sensor development 
We should develop an "inspection system" that instantly "discovers" "infected persons" like thermography.

Part 8. North Korea's Abduction and Missile Issues & Taiwan's Defense

Part 9. Promotion of One Coin Union & Hydrogen Vehicles 

Part 10. "Nagano" Opinion, Next Generation Nuclear Power: CO2 Free & SDGs: Russia/Ukraine Invasion Issues: Immigration/Refugee Issues: International/U.S. Politics/Taiwan Issues/Unification Church Issues

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Daily posts are published in the following program.

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